Friday, February 11, 2022

Easily Digestible

"Easily digestible."

Think about what those words impart.

That is precisely how a certain

American painter describes his art.


I like that description, though critics will call

His style "unsophisticated."

However, keep in mind that often

Sophistication is overrated.


It's just a way to refer to what

Artists might call a creative style.

Simplicity and directness do not

Make his paintings juvenile.


The painter's description can also apply

To poetry and music and dance.

Sometimes we can overlook

Subtle nuances at first glance.


At times, poems can be perplexing

Vague, ambiguous, and obscure.

That's quite all right, and for many readers

Such poems have a special allure.


Chefs have their styles, too,

The range of which you'll notice is wide.

Sometimes they're in complete agreement,

And sometimes the food artists' tastes will collide.


And even though poetry’s not

Literally comestible,

I prefer poems that are

Easily digestible.

-by Bob B (2-11-22)