Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pandemic Fatigue

COVID-19 hasn't left us.

In fact, it's becoming major league

As people grow weary of taking precautions

And slowly give in to pandemic fatigue.


It doesn't help when misinformation

Spreads as rapidly as the disease.

The virus doesn't sing just one song;

Over and over it sings a reprise.


It also doesn't help when people--

Especially when presidents--

Fail to heed the warnings and keep

Having super-spreader events.


Granted, humans are social beings.

But sadly we will pay the price

If our myopia keeps us from making

A necessary sacrifice.


You could get the virus and be

One of the lucky ones. It's true.

Mild symptoms could possibly be

The worst thing that happens to you.


Or you could have a full-fledged case

That could come with a large price tag

As you succumb to the illness and leave

The hospital in a body bag.


Even when there are mild cases,

There have been revelations

That in the future people could have

Unexpected complications.


Listen to the experts out there

And not to distracting words of the quacks.

By following simple measures we

Can stop the virus in its tracks.


Let's not fall into the trap

And think that the dangers are overblown.

The life you save by being careful

Might not merely be your own.

-by Bob B (10-18-20)