Policies have repercussions.
Take family separation--
A policy that's practiced by
The Donald Trump administration.
We separated families
Here in the good ol' USA
As a form of punishment
For refuge seekers wanting to stay.
After two and a half years,
Eleven hundred kids remain
Separated from their parents!
Such a practice is insane!
While the government's explanations
Have been untruthful, vague, and distorted,
Five hundred forty-five
Of the kids' parents have been deported.
Lawyers have been seeking the parents.
Imagine the effort the search would entail.
Up to now the monumental
Task has been to no avail.
Separation is bad enough.
But with inadequate record-keeping?
We've sown the seeds of heartlessness;
Look at what we now are reaping.
The policy has been a disaster.
Who could not describe it thus?
Such an ugly picture it paints;
And what does such cruelty say about us?
One could look for an ounce of compassion
Within Trump's heart, but it's no use.
What we've seen is basically
Government-sanctioned child abuse.
-by Bob B (10-21-20)