I never used to swear that much.
Really. But things have changed.
It's hard to keep from doing it when
One's president is deranged.
His constant tweets are maddening.
I really have to admit
That when I read them, I say he's full of
A word that rhymes with "spit."
To watch his reckless and smug demeanor
Makes me rather sick.
I can't help thinking he acts just like
A word that rhymes with "trick."
When I'm really incensed and feel
He's acting like a schmuck,
Before I can stop it, a word slips out--
A word that rhymes with "duck."
As I watch him destroy this country,
A phrase emerges, which
Starts with the word "son" and ends
With a word that rhymes with "twitch."
When he lies, my sense of decorum
Is difficult to sustain,
And I cannot refrain from taking
A certain name in vain.
When I've lost it, I say that he's--
And I am totally frank--
A blankety-blank, blankety-blanking
Blankety blankety blank.
I know that losing one's cool is not
Behavior considered sublime,
But what the heck? The president
Cusses all the time.
-by Bob B (10-15-20)