Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Deadly Rallies

Typhoid Trump. How he loves

His super-spreaders! Yes, siree!

All the attention from cheering fans

Fills his hungry heart with glee.


Heaven forbid he wear his mask,

Even though he's been infected

With COVID-19. He doesn't care

If most of the crowd is unprotected.


His Florida friend Ron DeSantis

Saunters past the crowded rows

Of fans, high-fiving them.

Afterwards, he wipes his nose!


While experts want to contain the virus,

Trump's theory is let it spread.

His virus-spreading ego trip

Has him dancing over the dead.


At rallies all over, the president's team

Support his notion of "herd mentality"°

And speak to unprotected crowds.

What a peculiar sense of reality!


Giuliani says people don't

Die from COVID anymore.

Really? Seven hundred people

Died that day. Numbers soar.


Ironically, Pence asks the crowd

At a rally for the president

To applaud first responders! What?

While at a super-spreader event?


What an odd relationship

Between Trump and his promoters!

It's almost as if the Trump campaign

Is trying to kill its very own voters.


-by Bob B (10-14-20)

°Trump meant "herd immunity."