Republican leaders are desperate to find
Any evidence that might encroach
On Clinton's chances to win the presidency
With their charge-her-for-anything approach.
When they discovered her e-mail use
Was something they couldn't criminalize,
They said, "Aha! We'll catch her for perjury.
Let's see. What can we devise?"
Taking statements from the FBI
And Hillary Clinton's testimony,
They've slyly manipulated the words
And come up with a bunch of baloney.
How many servers did she have?
Were e-mails really classified?
Did her attorneys review ALL
Her messages? And what did they hide?
The if's and what's and where's and when's
Are being distorted in efforts to blame her.
Statements are being twisted so they
Can make bogus charges to frame her.
Trump, who displays trouble with the truth
And who has rallied his people with ease
With accusations and innuendoes
That spread like a contagious disease,
Has disseminated the lie
That Hillary Clinton is seriously ill
And not fit for the presidency,
While his numbers slide downhill.
Donald Trump of all people
Declares Hillary Clinton unfit!
When he…no, don't get me started
On that disgusting hypocrite!
Politics is a nasty business
When people are easily manipulated
And wisdom and truth and honor and decency
Sadly become overrated.
(8-23-16) By Bob B