Wednesday, August 10, 2016

D.T. Did It Again!

We keep wondering when Trump will hit
Rock bottom--an all-time low.
Recently, the man showed us
How low he could go.

Speaking to North Carolinians,
He repeated his lie
That Hillary Clinton wants to abolish
The Second Amendment. Now why

Does he continue to spread that false,
Pernicious and ludicrous tale?
The very next thing he said, however,
Was clearly beyond the pale:

If Clinton and "her" judges abolish
Rights that are guaranteed
In the Second Amendment of the Constitution,
There is a fix indeed.

"Second Amendment people" could solve
The problem, he said while gloating,
And obviously, he wasn't implying
That they could do it by voting!

So Trump again opened his mouth
And he had people wincing.
He argued that we misunderstood him;
His argument wasn't convincing.

He's incited violence before,
But this time takes the cake.
So much of what he says leaves
Destruction in its wake.

If he was just rambling as usual
Or thinking aloud that day,
Then what came out of his mouth was
A stupid thing to say!

If Trump doesn't mean what he says
Or say what he means,
Then everything he says doesn't
Amount to a hill of beans.

(8-10-16) By Bob B