Friday, August 26, 2016

Split Personality

How many members of his campaign team
Has Trump managed to hire and fire?
He's had to take some desperate measures
Now that it's getting down to the wire.

Since his campaign was looking grim,
The unpredictable, fiery loose cannon
Brought on expert Kellyanne Conway
And alt-right provocateur Steve Bannon.

Kellyanne Conway should be an asset--
A pleasant voice of reason and calm.
She offers a wildly scattered campaign
A unifying, healing balm.

Tied to a white nationalist movement,
Steve Bannon, on the other hand,
Brings to the team continued hateful
Rhetoric of an extremist brand.

Trump required a softer aspect,
But why did he feel so inclined
To hire a man with white supremacist
Leanings? Has he lost his mind?

So now Trump will soften his approach
And then show his Breitbart side.
One moment we'll see Dr. Jekyll,
The next moment Mr. Hyde.

(8-26-16) By Bob B