Thursday, August 18, 2016

Crackpots and Conspiracy Theories

Crackpots and conspiracy theories
Give the news a certain pizzazz.
Though there's not any credibility,
There's a lot of razzmatazz.

Trump, to further his nativist cause,
Has added Stephan Bannon to his team--
Bannon, that is, of Breitbart fame--
To help a campaign that's losing steam.

Trump's logic defies understanding.
To appeal to voters, he embraces
A propagator of conspiracy theories
To encourage and strengthen whatever his base is!

If that isn't bad enough,
He's also brought in Roger Ailes,
Recently fired from Fox News--
A place where innuendo prevails.

Trump's decisions aren't the wisest.
Why in the world does he think it will pay
To make a campaign even MORE divisive
Than the one that's already underway?

The man wants African-American votes,
So what the clueless candidate does
Is speak in a town that's ninety-five
Percent white! Just because.

Charles Sykes says that Trump's
Campaign is in its "hospice phase."
Frankly, it seems that all along
It's suffered from a general malaise.

Crackpots and conspiracy theories:
It's amazing how they abound.
As Trump rallies more alt-right fanatics,
Madness, my friends, is gaining ground.

(8-18-16) By Bob B