Friday, November 27, 2015

What's Up with Marco?

Poor Marco Rubio must have
Flunked his course in American history.
How he rose to his current position
Is for me a real mystery.

The First Amendment strongly prohibits--
In language that is simple and clear--
The establishment of any particular
Faith or religion here

As a state religion. But Rubio says
That "God's rules" supersede our laws.
Obviously, he fails to see
The egregious or salient flaws

In his understanding of the Founding Fathers'
Intent in creating our democracy.
Rubio is under the impression that
We were meant to be a theocracy.

Sorry, Marco, but Thomas Jefferson
Would be both sad and irate
To see you stomp on the First Amendment's
Separation of church and state.

(11-27-15) By Bob B