Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The GOP Debate #4

At the GOP debate number four
Was anything new brought to the floor?
Or was the same ol' same ol' discussed?--
Worn-out ideas that are gathering dust.
Trump--still talking about immigrants and his wall--
Acted like Goliath before his fall.
Carson, attempting to avoid the pillory,
Deflected his question to criticize Hillary.
While Kasich loved to boast and brag,
Fiorina sounded more like a nag.

Said Rubio: We need--to save the nation--
An economic transformation;
But when he was criticized by another,
He appeared to want to run home to mother.
Cruz--the scariest of the eight--
Who attended a hate-filled rally of late,
Run by a hate-mongering, Nazi-type devil,
Proved in advance he was not on the level.
Bush and Paul both seemed out of sorts
And got little mileage from their retorts.

The desire to help America is grand,
But there is one thing they must understand:
They'd ALL come off being much less stringent
By NOT catering to the Tea Party contingent.
They'd also prove that they loved democracy
If they stopped supporting a plutocracy.
Don't they know that an answer detracts
From their credibility when they ignore facts?
Nothing enlightening came out of the blue;
No, we really learned nothing new.

(11-11-15) By Bob B