Friday, November 6, 2015

A Bill of Goods

In recent years the economy has improved,
But we're still not out of the woods.
Nonetheless, Republican leaders
Are selling a bill of goods.

To finance tax cuts for billionaires,
They keep demanding more cuts
To Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
What? Are they nuts?

Who can't see that behind their scheme--
This not-so-subtle stricture
Against the well-being of the American people--
Something's wrong with this picture?

While Fortune 500 and country-club
Republicans call the shots,
They're masterfully driving a wedge
Between the haves and have-nots.

Desperation makes strange bedfellows--
Like being in league with the devil.
Catering to Tea Party thugs gives them
No reason to revel.

What does it take to wake people up?
People must open their eyes
And see behind the manipulation;
They must see through the guise.

(11-6-15) By Bob B