Saturday, November 21, 2015

Seeking a Compassionate Approach

Let's not talk about closing our gates
While saying that some people shouldn't be here.
If we do, we debase the same
Values that brought you and me here.

Let's not talk about national registries
For any particular people or group.
If we do, we will demolish
Democratic liberties in one fell swoop.

Let's not refer to the world's suffering
Refugees as dogs or barbarians. How shameful!
If we do, we prove to the world
That we Americans are heartless and blameful.

Let's not talk about closing places
Of worship of religions different from yours.
If we do, one day you might
Find a barrier on your church's doors.

Let's not talk about isolating
People in camps or in similar facilities.
If we do, we'll stir up memories
Of past ghastly capabilities.

Let's INSTEAD talk with reason--
With a calm, rational, compassionate mind--
And work together to solve world problems
In a manner worthy of humankind.

Let's INSTEAD use world resources
To educate people, and let us adhere
To kindness and fairness in dealing with issues
And NOT cede to hatred and fear.

(11-21-15) By Bob B