Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hail to Thee, Colonoscopy!

Have you ever prepped for a colonoscopy?
That's what I get to do today.
It means no solid food for me;
Clear broth will be my entrée.

I get to drink as much water
And juice as I want; but there's a catch:
The constant need of a toilet nearby--
A slight downside to "Down the hatch!"

Another rule: I must not let
Anything RED pass through my mouth.
Apparently, red things tend to
Cause confusion…well…down "south."

When passing by the bakery window
Where freshly-baked sweets are lying,
I know it will be torture for me
To hear my stomach growling and crying.

I do get to eat popsicles--
That is, as long as they aren't red.
Maybe I can just pretend
That they're tacos or pizza instead.

I have to STOP thinking about food.
I know my hunger pains won't last
Forever, and I can always say
I'm on a liquid and popsicle fast.

When the real clean-out starts
Later in the afternoon,
That's when the fun REALLY begins!
Help! I want this over soon!

I will spare you those details.
Just know that more adventures follow.
I'll be relieved after this prep
And my trip to the surgery center tomorrow.

(But let me warn you: I really don't
Mean to freak you out, but
Don't worry if it feels as though
You're peeing out of your you-know-what!)

The actual procedure is not that bad--
Once I get through today and tonight.
I won't feel or remember a thing;
Hopefully, I'll be out like a light.

The doctor is also performing an upper
G.I. endoscopy. I strongly hope
That when he does it, he is certain
That he's using a different scope.

Too much information? Maybe.
But if you've never done this, you
At least know all the wonderful things
You have to look forward to.

(11-29-15) By Bob B

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Gunfight at the D-Lux Diner

The day starts out like any day--
A Saturday morning just like most others.
The diner is buzzing with customers:
Grandparents, kids, fathers, mothers.

Breakfast specials, waitresses dashing
To and fro--no time for slacking.
Each one proudly displaying her handgun.
(This is a state where everyone's packing.)

Somebody hears a man complain
To the waitress, saying his eggs aren't done.
He doesn't like how she responds,
So he kills her with one shot from his gun.

Suddenly all hell breaks loose.
Bullets go flying; people are screaming.
Covered with blood, a survivor says later,
"It happened so fast, I thought I was dreaming."

Shrieking at seeing the waitress fall,
A young mother aims at the shooter,
Missing him and instead sending
A bullet into the town's prosecutor,

Whose wife then shoots at the mother,
Hitting the woman smack in the head.
Meanwhile, the husband points his gun
At his wife's killer, shooting her dead.

Customers everywhere dive for cover,
Aiming their guns in the air and firing.
Popping noises drown out the screams
And moans of people hit and expiring.

Running out of the kitchen a cook
Shoots his gun in all directions,
Hitting random customers
And showing his shooting imperfections.

Someone else has better aim--
Or a random bullet plays its part--
For Henry, the cook, falls to the floor
When a bullet pierces his heart.

The busboy--having been grazed in the face--
Shoots into the chaotic river
Of mayhem and bullets. He is killed
When he is shot through the stomach and liver.

Pockmarked with holes, the once-cheerful joint
Is now streaked and splattered with blood.
Survivors will never forget hearing
Each bang and scream followed by a thud.

Everybody gets caught in the crossfire.
The rounds spare neither adult nor child.
(Fifteen people lose their lives
By the time all the reports are compiled.)

When the police arrive at the diner,
In horror they observe the slaughter.
The sheriff screams out in agony
When he notices his blood-covered daughter.

On the wall, a TV is playing.
Somehow it was able to survive.
The news is on; an NRA
Spokesman is being interviewed live,

Saying America needs more guns
And gun regulation is obscene.
Aiming his gun at the TV, the sheriff
Pulls the trigger and blows out the screen.

(11-28-15) By Bob B

Friday, November 27, 2015

What's Up with Marco?

Poor Marco Rubio must have
Flunked his course in American history.
How he rose to his current position
Is for me a real mystery.

The First Amendment strongly prohibits--
In language that is simple and clear--
The establishment of any particular
Faith or religion here

As a state religion. But Rubio says
That "God's rules" supersede our laws.
Obviously, he fails to see
The egregious or salient flaws

In his understanding of the Founding Fathers'
Intent in creating our democracy.
Rubio is under the impression that
We were meant to be a theocracy.

Sorry, Marco, but Thomas Jefferson
Would be both sad and irate
To see you stomp on the First Amendment's
Separation of church and state.

(11-27-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Little Elf-Awareness

The elves congregated
In the back room of the shop,
Muttering amongst themselves
And chattering on nonstop.

One elf stood on a table
And scanned the angry crowd.
He raised his hand to shush
The others from getting too loud.

"Fellow elves, be quiet;
We have work to do.
This isn't just a trivial
Elven ballyhoo.

"Santa's expectations
Have risen exceedingly.
He takes no action when
I ask him pleadingly

"For a raise in pay
And better working conditions.
He only chortles and laughs
And speaks of old traditions."

An elf spoke up from the group:
"The reindeer have it made.
We all work our butts off;
But see how little we're paid.

"Why they earn so much
Isn't really clear
When they only work
ONE night of the year!

"Platitudes and promises
Do nothing to assuage
Angry workers. Santa
Must increase our wage!"

"Yes," chimed in another.
"Not keeping up with inflation,
Our pay keeps us living
In serious deprivation.

"Our benefits also haven't
Kept up with the times.
They are slashed while
The cost of insurance climbs.

"I know there's a lot to do,
And I think we're pretty meticulous,
But the hours we're forced to work…
I mean…this is ridiculous!

"And what about part-time elves
Who have little enjoyment
Working for no benefits?
You call that employment?"

Disgruntled, all the workers
Considered taking action
And wondered what to do
To get some satisfaction.

Another elf said, "Santa's
Heavy demands are an onus.
And we elves don't even
Get a Christmas bonus!

"Frankly, it takes every
Ounce of faith I can muster
To think that dear ol' Santa's
Not a union buster!

"Furthermore, there's something
That I've got to say:
We all have to strive
For equality of pay."

"Yay!" the elves shouted
And in unison chanted:
"Equal pay: Yes!
Take nothing for granted!"

The work discussion lingered
Well into the night.
They knew that gaining ground
Would require a fight.

(In thinking about life,
Struggles, work, and fairness,
It doesn't hurt anyone
To have some elf-awareness.)

Eavesdropping here,
You've seen for yourself
That life's not always peachy--
Even for an elf.

Let's just hope that Santa
Doesn't be a jerk
And save a few bucks next year
By outsourcing the work.

(11-25-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Demagoguery Takes a Stand

Trump says in Jersey in 2001
He heard thousands cheering like hell--
Thousands of people of a certain ethnicity--
When the Twin Towers fell.

He saw and heard the reports in the media--
Or so he claims--the poor, poor man.
You see, there were no reports as such.
His accusations are part of his plan

To stir up fear among Americans--
To build mistrust--to cause a schism
By inciting xenophobic reactions
And arousing destructive nativism.

As Trump ratchets up hateful rhetoric
And panders to people's unfounded fears,
Demagoguery takes a stand
While democracy disappears.

When truth is dispensable, we have a problem.
Whenever Trump talks, I feel more perplexed
And can't help from asking myself,
Whom is he going to go after next?

(11-24-15) By Bob B

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Seeking a Compassionate Approach

Let's not talk about closing our gates
While saying that some people shouldn't be here.
If we do, we debase the same
Values that brought you and me here.

Let's not talk about national registries
For any particular people or group.
If we do, we will demolish
Democratic liberties in one fell swoop.

Let's not refer to the world's suffering
Refugees as dogs or barbarians. How shameful!
If we do, we prove to the world
That we Americans are heartless and blameful.

Let's not talk about closing places
Of worship of religions different from yours.
If we do, one day you might
Find a barrier on your church's doors.

Let's not talk about isolating
People in camps or in similar facilities.
If we do, we'll stir up memories
Of past ghastly capabilities.

Let's INSTEAD talk with reason--
With a calm, rational, compassionate mind--
And work together to solve world problems
In a manner worthy of humankind.

Let's INSTEAD use world resources
To educate people, and let us adhere
To kindness and fairness in dealing with issues
And NOT cede to hatred and fear.

(11-21-15) By Bob B

Friday, November 20, 2015

Turkey Blues

I met a turkey the other day
While on my daily walk.
Strange to say, his name was Tom;
And stranger, he could talk!

He wasn't in the greatest mood;
In fact, he looked downhearted.
"Feeling the holiday blues?" I asked.
He said, "Don't get me started.

"You would also be depressed
If you were a turkey
And people saw you as a meal
Or turned you into jerky."

He paused; "By any chance are you
A butcher or a grocer?
For if you are, you are NOT
Getting any closer."

I said, "No way!" to ease his mind.
"You don't have to worry."
When he tried to walk away,
I asked, "Now what's your hurry?"

"You know," he answered, "I'm in hiding--
At least until Thanksgiving.
To have to spend your days like this
Is not what I call living.

"Why are we the chosen ones
To grace your silly table?
It turns us into basket cases--
Neurotic and unstable.

"And don't say 'But your sacrifice:
Consider it an honor.'
I would rather live out my dreams
Instead of being a goner.

"Why not switch to tofu turkey?
They say it's not so bad.
You'd save a lot of lives and make
Many turkeys glad."

Giving him a chance to vent
Seemed to lift his mood.
I tried to be empathetic
And NOT see him as food.

Then he said, "You're going to think
That I'm a nasty fella,
But I think that it's super cool
When folks get salmonella.

"Sorry, but that happens to be
The ONE way that
We can get back at all of you;
I call it tit for tat.

But really, I must dash," he said,
And so I wished him well.
He waddled off to some safe place
As far as I could tell.

It really made me stop and think--
This unexpected meeting--
Whether I fully appreciate
The many things I'm eating.

My hope this year is simple: May
THIS one guy at least,
NOT be on the table when
I eat my holiday feast.

(11-20-15) By Bob B

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Masters of Illusion

The sneaky Masters of Illusion perform
Before your very eyes.
Their clever tricks will astound you, so
Watch for each surprise.

Their skillful tactics mesmerize
And seem to entertain.
Caught off guard, you overlook
Their verbal legerdemain.

Artists in deception, they
Require a double take.
Upon scrutinizing them,
You see that they are fake.

They'll pull something out of a hat.
Notice as they grab it:
Hey! A corporate tax loophole!
That is NOT a rabbit!

When caught in their own traps they can
Mysteriously disappear
And suddenly show up again
When the coast is clear.

Cutting things in half occurs
Before the curtain call.
You hardly notice that they're robbing
Peter to pay Paul.

There's always something up their sleeve--
Sort of a bait and switch.
A promise might end up being
Tax cuts for the rich.

Be careful when they smile and say
They want to be your friend.
That's just a ploy; you'll see that
They'll screw you in the end.

Once they pull out their deck of cards,
You see that they've embarked
On a path that leads to greater deception.
(Their cards are usually marked.)

They never fail to beguile and amaze--
These Masters of Illusion.
Just know you're always being duped;
But that's a foregone conclusion.

(11-19-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dancing the Dance of Salome

Dancing before Herod and Herodias,
Salome waved her flowing veil,
Which fluttered and whirled through the air around her
And rippled like a silken sail.

"Ah, your daughter dances divinely,"
Herod  said to his calculating wife.
"She dances as though she's walking on air.
I've never seen so much grace in my life."

After a frenzied flurry and flash,
Salome stopped and bowed to the king.
"My dear," said Herod, "what may I give you?
Half of my kingdom? Anything!

"Tell me what your heart is set on.
I'll give you whatever you desire."
Salome looked at her mother, who
Smiled and nodded--her eyes on fire.

"Your incomparable kindness compels me
To answer simply to a king so great.
I ask for one thing only and that
Is John the Baptist's head on a plate."

Said; done. The executioner
Soon returned carrying John's head,
Which the daughter gave to her mother,
Who was delighted that he was dead.

What about those who keep on dancing
Salome's dance? They pivot and swirl,
Contemplating how to placate
The wishes of others while they twirl?

Do they conspire to perpetrate
Division and discord--not unity and peace?
Have love and kindness and thoughtfulness
Given way to heartless caprice?

Are they moved by seductive wiles
As if compassion and reason don't matter?
Do they seek above all things
Vengeance on a silver platter?

(11-18-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Writing on the Wall

Republican leaders bemoan the idea
Of leaving their children huge debt.
Therefore, the thought of loans and deficits
Makes them break out in a sweat.

One thing about their concern for their children
Strikes me as very strange:
It's ALL about dollars and figures, of course,
And not about climate change.

Concern for the future is commendable
And makes a lot of sense.
But lowering the debt at the expense of the world
Is a deadly recompense.

I'm not a pessimist; nonetheless,
If I were the town crier,
I'd yell at the top of my voice, "Beware,
Climate change denier!"

You don't have to be a rocket scientist
To recognize mankind's hand
In helping to raise the temperature on Earth.
How much can we withstand?

Though unpreventable, a rise in temperature
Could be temporary
If we act now; otherwise,
The outlook's extremely scary.

Slashing greenhouse-gas emissions
Is a worthy cause.
Let's also encourage clean-energy development
With conscientious laws.

The U.S. and China--the TWO largest
Carbon-polluters around--
Could make a huge difference by leaving
Most fossil fuel in the ground.

Fracking releases methane gas,
More potent than CO2.
Halting or transforming the fracking process
Wouldn't be hard to do.

The world can achieve renewable energy
With an effort that's united.
Failure to do so would be careless
AND extremely shortsighted.

Say, “STOP complaining about science and debt
And ignoring what will befall
Our kids and grandkids if we ignore
The writing on the wall.”

(11-17-15) By Bob B

Monday, November 16, 2015

Deception's So Cool Till You're Caught

As early as the 1970s,
Exxon's scientists were no fools:
They warned the company of the dire effects
On Earth from burning fossil fuels.

Their warnings didn't fall on deaf ears:
Exxon conducted a clever campaign
To undermine the scientific case
Of climate change and to increase Exxon's gain.

Lying to the people it seems is fair game--
And having to deal with a few protesters.
But wasn't Exxon committing fraud
By keeping the truth from its gullible investors?

Now here's a case that's almost funny:
Floridian Marco Rubio was caught
Charging personal expenses to his
Republican credit card, which ought

To raise some serious questions. And no,
The story's not a mere canard.
It all occurred a few years ago.
He says he just happened to pull the wrong card.

Pull the wrong card? Hmm, let's see…
For movie tickets, occasional meals,
Tiles for his house, a family reunion…
His questionable behavior reveals

A lack of maturity in dealing with money;
And yet he wants us to rein in spending.
(His campaign says he's paid it all back,
But proof of that as yet is pending.)

Exxon and Rubio, truth seekers here
Aren't simply trying to taunt you.
They just want you and others to know
That being deceitful will come back to haunt you.

(11-16-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The GOP Debate #4

At the GOP debate number four
Was anything new brought to the floor?
Or was the same ol' same ol' discussed?--
Worn-out ideas that are gathering dust.
Trump--still talking about immigrants and his wall--
Acted like Goliath before his fall.
Carson, attempting to avoid the pillory,
Deflected his question to criticize Hillary.
While Kasich loved to boast and brag,
Fiorina sounded more like a nag.

Said Rubio: We need--to save the nation--
An economic transformation;
But when he was criticized by another,
He appeared to want to run home to mother.
Cruz--the scariest of the eight--
Who attended a hate-filled rally of late,
Run by a hate-mongering, Nazi-type devil,
Proved in advance he was not on the level.
Bush and Paul both seemed out of sorts
And got little mileage from their retorts.

The desire to help America is grand,
But there is one thing they must understand:
They'd ALL come off being much less stringent
By NOT catering to the Tea Party contingent.
They'd also prove that they loved democracy
If they stopped supporting a plutocracy.
Don't they know that an answer detracts
From their credibility when they ignore facts?
Nothing enlightening came out of the blue;
No, we really learned nothing new.

(11-11-15) By Bob B

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Incompatibility with the Truth

The more some people open their mouth,
The more others wonder how
Those people made it to where they are.
Bewildered, we're all left saying, "Wow!"

For example: Ben Carson,
In talking about his life and youth,
Has demonstrated an incompatible
And awkward relationship with the truth.

Carson seems to push the envelope
To show how much the truth can be stretched.
He also has the bizarre tendency
To make statements that are very far-fetched.

Whether he's "enhancing" events in his life,
Discussing pyramids, prisons and gays,
Or comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany,
He never ceases to shock and amaze.

We tend to think a neurosurgeon
Would have to be extremely smart.
Carson has--with his outlandish statements--
Blown that stereotype all apart.

He has been commenting for years.
(Read about him in Wikipedia.)
According to him his negativity
Is all the fault of a nasty media.

Are Carson's statements thoughtless blunders
Or truly meant to distract and deceive?
In either case, he shouldn't be president,
For we'd never know what to believe.

(11-7-15) By Bob B

Friday, November 6, 2015

A Bill of Goods

In recent years the economy has improved,
But we're still not out of the woods.
Nonetheless, Republican leaders
Are selling a bill of goods.

To finance tax cuts for billionaires,
They keep demanding more cuts
To Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
What? Are they nuts?

Who can't see that behind their scheme--
This not-so-subtle stricture
Against the well-being of the American people--
Something's wrong with this picture?

While Fortune 500 and country-club
Republicans call the shots,
They're masterfully driving a wedge
Between the haves and have-nots.

Desperation makes strange bedfellows--
Like being in league with the devil.
Catering to Tea Party thugs gives them
No reason to revel.

What does it take to wake people up?
People must open their eyes
And see behind the manipulation;
They must see through the guise.

(11-6-15) By Bob B

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blood and Gore

Did you see Hitchcock's classic
PSYCHO when it was first released?
That was back in 1960--
Before our thirst for blood increased.

Hitchcock teased us with the camera
And was a master at building suspense,
Which for many who saw the movie
Turned out to be too intense.

The unforgettable scene in the shower
Made some viewers too afraid
To shower when staying at home alone
For years after the film had been made.

The intensity of that frightening scene
By modern standards is shallow or thin.
They say there's only one split second
That shows the knife touching skin.

In movies now heads go flying,
Bodies explode, throats are slit,
Blood gushes, sprinkles, and splatters--
The butchery never seems to quit.

Eyes pop out, insides ooze,
Bodies are sometimes split in half
Or burnt to a crisp before our eyes.
After a shriek, the viewers laugh.

Are we more sophisticated
Or just immune to blood and gore?
Scenes that scared us way back when
Do not scare us anymore.

It's refreshing when directors use
Restraint and wisely resist temptations
To show it all and leave so little
To movie viewers' imaginations.

(11-5-15) By Bob B

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Night 2015

Halloween night 2015--
A bevy of goblins and ghouls
Out there in the dark of the night
Met to shape their new rules.

"Let us unite! Let us be one
In our quest to upset the truth."
Their work, they agreed, would come to fruition
In a future polling booth.

"Stir the cauldron of rampant despair;
Throw in confusion and doubt.
Add a pinch of oblivion so no one
Knows what we're about.

Let us deceive with facile duplicity;
Let us trick the unwary.
Above all, don't let them see our true selves.
THAT, fellow ghouls, would be scary!"

Their voices rose in the crisp autumn darkness--
A murky, grumbling chant:
"Hiss. Hiss. Ignorance is bliss.
Woe to them who recant….

"Let us be amorphous and vague;
Let them see what we're not.
Give us the power of doublespeak
To dodge all critical thought."

Werewolves howled. Black cats screeched.
A haunting moan filled the air.
A poor, disoriented bat got tangled
In one ghoul's corn-tassel hair.

"May we strengthen our power to mislead--
To obliterate those who defy us
With vicious attacks based on lies.
We'll let nothing get by us.

"Let us prolong the witching hour.
May it last for a year!
Stir the pot of forgetfulness,"
They all said with a sneer.

Halloween night 2015--
A frightening night to remember.
Beware the ghoul who leads the pack
Next year in November.

(1-11-15) By Bob B