Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Trump Opens Mouth and Inserts Foot...Again

Donald Trump loves the spotlight.
Too bad he can't apply his filter--
If he has one, that is. Or is
His sense of reality that much off kilter?

An amazing thing about him is how
He can stick his foot in his mouth
And not even realize he's doing it.
Example? Take our friends to the south:

When announcing his presidential run,
Trump decided to use that time
To say that Mexico sends to America
Mainly drugs, rapists, and crime.

So NBC and Univision
Have severed ties with Donald Trump
For his thoughtless insensitivity.
The man got a well-deserved kick in the rump.

Donald T. still thinks he's correct,
And despite the billions he has acquired,
This time it's actually somebody else
Who gets to say the words, "You're fired!"

(6-30-15) By Bob B