Sunday, June 21, 2015

How I Love a Circus!

Oh, the excitement! Oh, the laughter!
Watch the clowns as they juggle and bumble.
Surely you've heard: the circus is here.
Enjoy their gags as they prance and stumble.

Forget the bears, the tigers and lions;
Forget the horses, the chimps and baboons.
THIS circus is one of a kind
And consists entirely of clowns and buffoons.

As one silly clown tries to compete
With all of the others, the rest follow suit.
They toot their own horns and boost their own egos,
And then they fall on their faces, to boot.

In one ring stands tired Ted C.,
Whose wit and wisdom are both very sparse.
Whenever he opens his mouth to comment,
We can't help but laugh at his uninspired farce.

In another ring Ben C. performs,
Loudly proclaiming there should be no rules
Constraining the military during a war.
There's a leader for a ship of fools.

Over there is the clown Mike H.,
Who blames the gays for the country's ills
While he plays the religious victim;
This type of clown gives you the chills.

Bobby J., who talks "complete nonsense,"
Never fails to make us quake
With laughter. Whenever he opens his mouth
We laugh so hard till our stomachs ache.

Look to the right and see old Don T.
With the grumpy face and big hair and all.
Watch out! He'll try to buy your attention
With his tumescent ramblings and caterwaul.

Whatever you do, don't miss Scott W.
His clownish antics belittle and mock.
He's an artist at tricking the public;
Observe him as he turns back the clock.

What do you know? There's clown Rick S.
Watch him pontificate, blather, and kowtow.
Denying rights for some of his audience,
He sits on his throne, holier-than-thou.

Intrigued by all of the pomp and publicity,
Other clowns keep joining this circus.
It's going to make for humorous enter-
Tainment as we watch how they work us.

What a spectacle! What a show!
All of these clowns--their jokes, their gaffes…
This one is guaranteed to be
A multi-ringed barrel of laughs.

(6-21-15) By Bob B