Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Really, Justice Scalia?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Gave a commencement address.
And yes, it was nice of him to appear
At the ceremony; nevertheless,

When he spoke to the graduating class,
I wonder if there were some sneers
When he said that we've been around
For at least 5,000 years

And that challenges humans faced back then
Weren't different, one could say,
Or even worse from the many challenges
That we are facing today.

Your number there, Justice Scalia,
Is off by a tad.
Math must not have been your thing,
For your math is really bad.

Multiply 5,000 by 40
To get a number that's sound--
The number of years that Homo sapiens
Indeed has been around.

If I could, Justice Scalia,
I'd do whatever it took
To give you something that you could use:
An excellent science book.

(6-9-15) By Bob B