Real estate developer Donald Trump,
At his presidential launch event,
Apparently paid people to attend
To fill the seats. Money well spent?
Standing there at the lectern, Trump
Gazed at his audience, expressing his
"There's no crowd like this,"
he said.
"Thousands" of people are
what he saw.
It was more likely a couple of hundred,
And sources say that many were paid
Fifty dollars a shot, we hear--
That's fifty dollars if they stayed.
The "crowd" wore T-shirts and
carried signs
And applauded the man. So Trump now
On a campaign resembling a P-R
And furthermore, he's getting low
Is it illegal to pay attendees?
No, just little bit funny. Why?
Well, because it makes one wonder
How many votes he intends to buy.
(6-18-15) By Bob B