Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So You Want to Vote? Sorry!

The attack on voters has succeeded
In Texas--just to name one state.
Thousands of voters have been disenfranchised.
Thinking voters should be irate.

Politicians have craftily managed
To make it harder for people to vote,
Despite the fact that the probability
Of voting abuse is extremely remote.

Some news stations are creating scenarios
Of voter fraud--absurd allegations--
In efforts to justify voter suppression
Through suppositions and false accusations.

Got a gun permit? You are safe.
You can vote; you're a lucky duck.
You only have a student I.D.?
Sorry, but you're out of luck.

In a democracy you'd think our strategy
Would lead in the other direction, which means
We WOULDN'T discourage people from voting
And blow voting rights to smithereens.

Why discourage our citizens from voting?
Why are some politicians so distrusting?
Those are rhetorical questions, really.
The answers are obvious and quite disgusting.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Not Again!

As we dawdle and sit on our hands,
Another school shooting takes place.
Add Marysville, Washington, now
To the statistics. Another sad case.

When NO solution is THE solution,
Such atrocious acts will recur.
Since we're not addressing the problem,
Is the status quo what people prefer?

Have we become so inured
To school shootings--Don't let it be true!--
That when such violent incidents occur,
Our response is, "So what else is new?"

By Bob B (10-24-14)

Fleeting Time

Fleeting time:
Just try to contain it;
Try to grasp it,
Hold it, regain it.

Time evades us
Like liquid through a sieve.
Our best option
Is to LIVE and LET LIVE.

To appreciate the moment:
Make that your VOW.
Bask in the light
Of the eternal NOW.

By Bob B (10-24-14)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Two Soldiers

Holding his adversary
Carefully within his scope
To soldier A is a challenge--
A distant, forlorn hope.

An occasional glimpse of a helmet…
An aim as yet unfulfilled…
He knows that he has no choice:
It's kill, or he will be killed.

Good timing is essential.
All he can do is lie low…
And wait. But there is something
That he doesn't know:

His enemy across the field--
Let's call him soldier B--
Is, like himself, a father--
And also a father of three.

He lives for his children,
Who are the light of his life;
And he hates not being at home
To support his struggling wife.

His two older brothers
Died in a previous war.
His mother died of grief.
How can he settle the score?

For now he can only take aim
At his enemy--at soldier A.
"Focus!" he tells himself. "Focus!"
As his mind starts drifting away.

Though soldier A is his target,
B is unaware, too,
Of soldier A's situation--
Of all that he is going through:

Soldier A's three children
Count the days till their dad
Will come home to take them to ball games--
To return to the life they once had.

The youngest child needs treatment
For a rare, childhood disease.
The middle child is being bullied
And requires his dad's expertise.

His wife--on the verge of a breakdown--
Finds it hard to suppress
The constant fears within her
That add to life's daily stress.


So soldier A and B
Await the instant to shoot--
To end the life of the other.
For that they deserve a salute?

If the two soldiers could only
Lay down their weapons and race
Across the shell-pitted field
And into each other's embrace,

Wouldn't that be amazing?
Much needless suffering would end.
And they could consider everyone
A brother or sister or friend.

Ah, but that's just a fantasy--
An illusion, a fancy, a dream,
An unreal expectation
With no place in mankind's scheme.

For as long as we're driven by ego,
And ignorance and vengeance and fear,
We're caught in a vicious circle,
And wars will not disappear.

(10-22-14) By Bob B

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Drugs of Preference

Some don't want to be awakened
From their peaceful slumber
And choose not to hear the existing truths
That overwhelmingly outnumber

The copious, complacent fairy tales
That fill their lives and dreams
And hold them hostage from the facts
Completely, or so it seems.

Their sleeping pill is called "Not Caring."
It's cheap and easy to find.
It dulls the senses and provides the user
With a perfidious peace of mind.

A stronger pill called "Oblivion"
Is also widely available.
Those who take it think that their lack
Of involvement is unassailable.

Stronger yet is a pill called "Forgetfulness."
Many prefer that pill,
Which allows them the blissful ability
To forget anything at will.

So cheap they are--these drugs of preference--
That they have found their niche;
And furthermore, they don't discriminate
Between the poor and rich.

Instead of listening to the cries of the world--
Of injustice, of inhumanity--
Many prefer to sleep in indifference.
Now that's what I call insanity!

By Bob B (10-22-14)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Pilgrim

The travel-weary pilgrim trudged
Onward toward his goal--
Hoping to find peace and comfort
For his questioning soul.

Uphill and downhill, through forests and fields,
Step by step he plodded
Upon the blistering path. While passing
Fellow pilgrims, he nodded.

Beating down upon him the sun--
Merciless, piercing, terrible--
Made each step an agonizing
Ordeal--harsh and unbearable.

A restful night at a hostel or shelter
Was refuge from the pain
Of hours and hours of walking through
The sweltering heat or rain.

Some days were kinder--the sun was gentle,
The breeze was soft and cool.
He'd stop and gaze at the blue sky above him
And wash his feet in a pool.

But usually hungry and thirsty he journeyed,
Hoping not to find
That after hours of walking and stumbling
He'd left something behind.

Loosening the cutting strap of his backpack
And giving his dry lips a lick,
He carefully wiped his dripping brow
And clutched his walking stick.

If his pilgrimage didn't bring him
Closer to God, it would
At least bring him closer to himself,
And that alone would be good.

By Bob B (10-21-14)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Media Clowns

Media clowns like Rush Limbaugh…
Take them seriously? No way!
Their preposterous far-right ramblings:
Contorted thoughts in disarray;

Rank speculations housing
Tumid truculence and bloated blather;
Conspiracy theories NOT factually-
Based, but on deception, rather.

What is it--mental illness?
Insecurity? potty training?--
That causes such anomalous behavior,
So destructive and disdaining?

What causes them to perpetrate
Scurrilous attacks with such lethality?
How could people be so diabolical
And out of touch with reality?

With shootings, beheadings, wars, disease,
And climate change--all so grim--
At least Limbaugh's rantings and ravings
Allow us to laugh at him.

By Bob B (10-9-14)