It dawned one day on
Lana that certain
“flaws” appeared more dominant.
Rivers of wrinkles
crisscrossed her face,
And the bump on her
nose looked more prominent.
“This just won’t
do,” she said to herself.
“Good looks are SO
in demand.
I’ve got to see Dr.
Slicestitch before
All of this gets out
of hand.”
The doctor, after
examining Lana,
Made a few helpful
“I have the perfect
plan for you.
Just stop me if you have any questions.
Let’s start with a
major skin resurfacing
To get rid of
wrinkles and spots.
We’ll do a slice
here, a little slice there,
And then we will
commence with the shots.
Collagen and Botox
Will follow your
mid-face lift.
Rhinoplasty will
flatten your nose.
But we can’t give
your bosom short shrift.
If you’re looking at
breast enlargement,
We can give you an
impressive rack—
Unless reduction is
more beneficial
To somewhat relieve
that pain in your back.
We’ll lift your
eyelids, raise your cheekbones,
And put an implant
in your chin.
We’ll thicken your
lips and pull back your neck
To allow you to have
the tightest of skin.
sclerotherapy for varicose veins;
My accuracy is
really uncanny.
And a little more
work in the lower area
Will give great form
to your flat fanny.
Liposuction on your
thighs and belly
Would, I think, be
very smart.
Plus laser treatment
for unwanted hair.
All this should be a
great START.”
You should see Lana
Stop by to kindly
surprise her.
You’ll be astonished
by her new look,
Although you won’t
recognize her.
Her face is so tight
that she can’t smile;
Her translucent skin
is pale and waxen.
Her chin protrudes
and her nose is flat.
She’ll remind you of
Michael Jackson.
Her puffy lips are so deformed
That it is hard to keep from staring
And staring and staring, no matter what
Flashy outfit the woman is wearing.
Her puffy lips are so deformed
That it is hard to keep from staring
And staring and staring, no matter what
Flashy outfit the woman is wearing.
It almost seems as
though she can’t blink;
If she could, I’d be
The look on her face
is the look of a woman
Perpetually shocked
or crazed.
Regarding her
breasts, she went with large
Instead of doing the
breast reduction.
Her breasts might indeed turn heads, but not
But not loose skin from
her liposuction.
Yes, she’s got new
shape to her bottom,
But now especially
she must beware:
Since she is so
heavy on top,
It makes it hard to
sit on a chair.
Since she’s started
all this work,
Frequent adjustments
will be needed
To fine tune areas
that would get messy
If they're left
entirely unheeded.
A major overhaul on
a car
Works well on an old
Model T.
The human body is
more problematic;
The outcome has no
A little adjustment
here and there
Is fine if it’s done
quite tastefully.
But many people like
the idea
Of growing old
Lana received a
complete transformation;
Of options she was
presented with plenty.
But why would anyone want to look
Seventy going on
(8-4-14) By Bob B