How much longer will we wait?
What, pray tell, are we waiting for?
For new incidents of violent shootings?
Must we have to experience more
So the NRA can once again say
That now’s not the time to discuss gun control?
My goodness, WHEN then IS the time?
Our doing nothing will take its toll.
Have we forgotten Columbine,
Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook?
What about Tuscon and Isla Vista?
NOT acting is SHAMEFUL—at least in my book.
The above shootings are the ones in the headlines.
But thousands of people are killed every year
By PEOPLE with GUNS. Unless we do something,
The grim statistics won't disappear.
Even gun advocates agree
With the majority of people’s urgent demands
That something very drastic be done
To keep guns out of the wrong people’s hands.
It’s nice to say they agree on that point,
And maybe they do; I won’t doubt it.
But agreeing and acting are two different things;
What are they going to do about it?
Gun show loopholes have to go,
Along with gun sales with no background checks.
No one’s taking anyone’s guns away!
It’s just common sense and it’s not that complex.
“But criminals will still get ahold of weapons.”
If that’s not the biggest Duh! that I know!
Criminals will always buck the system.
We’ll limit the violence even so.
Otherwise, we sit and do nothing,
Hoping that no more shootings ensue.
Chances will then be greater that violence
Could happen to somebody CLOSE to YOU.