It seems so utterly baffling
When someone flatly denies
That racism exists in this country.
We should say, “Open your eyes!
“Do you watch responsible news
Instead of that popular trash
That fills people’s heads with nonsense—
Where truth and comments clash?
“Or do you listen to radio
Talk show personalities
Who live for ratings and spew
Nothing but banalities?”
Some may deny the truth
As they sit in their lofty tower,
Isolated yet remarking
From a position of wealth and power.
Or some may ignore the evidence
And choose instead to take aim
At the victims of injustice,
On whom they place the blame.
How easy for people to say
That racism doesn’t exist—
That the issue is overblown
And ought to be dismissed!
Maybe some of the naysayers
Would change their uninformed views
If they walked a number of miles
In someone else’s shoes.
Recognizing the problem
Should be our mission.
And then we’ll seek a solution
That we can bring to fruition.