History will tell the story
Of how the U.S. abandoned Ukraine--
Of how an American dictator rose
To power and left it out in the rain--
Of how he sidled up to the leader
Of Russia, and how his admin team
Carried out their Führer's plans
By fully supporting the tyrant's regime--
Of how the American dictator lied
And called Ukraine the true aggressor,
In total opposition to his
Wise and compassionate predecessor--
Of how the European nations
Continued to give Ukraine support
While the American bully's team
Continued to look for truths to distort--
Of how the American tyrant discounted
The pain that the Russians had inflicted
Upon the Ukrainian people, who
Held out longer than folks had predicted--
Of how the bully would help Ukraine
ONLY if there was quid pro quo,
For as a transactional tyrant, he didn't
Like it at all if someone said no--
Of how the dictator's sycophants
Maintained that democracy had failed,
Scoffed at the rule of law, and cheered
When liberties were being curtailed.
What will history say of the people
Who flatly refused the tyrant's demands--
Resisters on American shores
And caring leaders from other lands?
Maybe if all goes well, the cruel
And vicious tyrant will choke on his glory,
And leaders of democracy
Can change the outcome of history's story.
-by Bob B (2-25-25)