I cannot believe what I'm seeing.
Take a really good look around;
You will notice that reason is fleeing.
Legislators in North Dakota
Proposed a crazy resolution
That clearly conflicts with what has been
Written in our constitution.
They want the state to acknowledge that over
All the world, Christ is king!
That has a very definite
Anti-constitutional ring.
Misinterpreting Biblical quotes,
They try to justify their position.
I wouldn't be surprised if they
Will next propose an inquisition!
(By the way, a lot of Christians
Don't understand what the Bible is saying,
How and when and why it was written,
And how it was altered. That is dismaying.)
Our Founding Fathers strongly believed
In separating church and state.
To put a religion above all others
Is something we MUST repudiate.
Christian nationalists are trying
To make a theocracy of the U.S.
They need to study our history,
Open their minds, and decompress.
If they want Christ to be the king
Over ALL the world in THEIR minds, fine.
But writing it into law? No way!
That is going way over the line!
-by Bob B (2-11-25)