Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Angel of Augsburg

Have you heard of the Angel of Augsburg?

Agnes Bernauer was her name.

Her fairy tale start had a tragic ending.

What happened to her was a horrible shame.


She lived in the early 1400s

And worked as a servant in Augsburg, where she

Met Duke Albrecht von Würtemberg

Who promised to make her his wife-to-be.


Agnes was said to have been a beauty,

With fine noble features and long golden hair.

Even her enemies praised her appearance.

Those who beheld her would all stop and stare.


Duke Ernest, who was the young duke's father,

Unfortunately, could not get behind

The thought that Albrecht would marry Agnes.

He had another young lady in mind.


Father and son both quarreled, and Albrecht

Took a major step in his life.

Defying his father's unfair demands,

He made the lovely Agnes his wife.


They moved to Straubing and lived in a castle.

Albrecht surrounded her with a court.

However, their happily-ever-after

Life--you can guess--would soon be cut short.


Duchess Agnes had known all along

That Ernest's wrath was something to fear.

He was a tiger observing its prey,

Awaiting the time to pounce to draw near.


When Albrecht was away on business,

Ernest made happen plan part one:

He had Agnes imprisoned for being

A witch who had enchanted his son.


How ruthless people can be at times!

But what was there for Agnes to do?

Nothing but wait to be tried and sentenced

As Ernest carried out plan part two.


The verdict: guilty. The sentence: drowning.

Such a cruel and heartless rebuke!

Agnes was going to be drowned in the river

In Straubing. The papers were signed by the duke.


Thrown from a bridge and into a river,

Agnes was able to drift ashore.

The hangman then held her head underwater

Until the poor woman could breathe no more.


History has demonstrated--

And if we ignored it, we'd be remiss--

How power, religion, corruption, and money

Play a strong part in cases like this.


The body of Agnes, the Angel of Augsburg,

Lies there in Straubing, where she'd lived and died.

Only a person whose heart has been hardened

Could hear how she suffered and still stay dry-eyed.

-by Bob B (3-12-24)