Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Campaign of Dehumanization

I'm totally baffled how anyone

Can be so heartless and inhumane

To make dehumanizing migrants

The focus of his election campaign.


But Donald Trump is doing that now.

With a complete lack of restraint

He spews his venom. He doesn't care

How many minds he's able to taint.


Insinuating that migrants come

From mental institutions and jails

And prisons and even "insane asylums,"

He's an obnoxious teller of tales.


Tying them to a cannibalistic

Killer named Hannibal Lecter? For shame!

And Trump's supporters who think it's funny

To vilify migrants share the blame.


According to Trump, the languages

That many migrants bring to this nation

Sound as though they come from Mars.

More attempts at stigmatization.


Trump also claims that migrants

Poison the blood of our country. Scary:

Hitler felt the very same way!

People everywhere ought to be wary.

-by Bob B (3-5-24)