Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Two Americas

(This poem can be sung to the melody of "America: My Country, 'Tis of Thee.")


Something can't be dismissed:

Two nations now exist

In this great land.

How did this come about?

How did divisions sprout?

How did mistrust and doubt

Get out of hand?


One nation wants to be

Ruled by democracy.

That is its goal.

It always sets it sights

On people's voting rights.

When freedom hits the heights,

We will be whole.


Our other nation seems

Sold out to gross extremes.

That's how it thrives.

It finds itself at ease

With fake conspiracies.

On truth it puts the squeeze,

Yet it survives.


One nation has no ties

With far-fetched myths and lies.

Hope is its guide--

Hope that we can be free

From an autocracy--

Hope for equality:

May it abide!


Our other nation cleaves

To myths that it believes

Will make it strong.

White power, it will state,

Is that which makes it great.

Pow'r to discriminate

Is its theme song.


Our country, will it last,

Or is our split too vast?

What do we need?

Let truth and reason reign.

From hatred let's abstain.

Let's all be more humane.

Make that our creed.

-by Bob B (9-14-21)