Sunday, September 19, 2021

Putin's Slam Dunk

Russian elections. Oh, boy!

It's THAT time again.

If you said it's time for Putin

To go, I'd say, "Amen!"


But with the help of Apple and Google,

Putin has made it clear

That anyone who wants him to win

Has nothing at all to fear.


He still stifles dissent by either

Putting you in jail

Or finding another way to stop you

That he hopes won't fail.


He doesn't have a very high

Approval rating, but still,

If there's a way to rig an election,

Of course, find it he will.


It would be so nice to be able

To wish the Russians well.

But is there a chance that Putin could lose?

Ha! No chance in hell.

-by Bob B (9-18-21)