Saturday, September 18, 2021

Thugs Recruiting Thugs

Arrested insurrectionists

Are being called by some on the right

"Political prisoners." It seems

That reason and sense have taken flight.


People who are out to hurt

Others and who are inciting fear

Are being called "patriots"!

My goodness! What is happening here?


Elected officials across the country

Are being threatened by the "mob"

For doing what is required of them--

For merely carrying out their job.


Health officials are also threatened

For doing what is expected of them--

For saving lives. How could that

Be something that people would condemn?


From many far-right extremists we're seeing

Violence being normalized,

The effect of which is rapidly causing

The country to be more polarized.


Odious thugs are recruiting thugs.

Election results are constantly being

Questioned for NO legitimate reasons!

It's hard to believe what we are seeing.


And organizers are padding their pockets

While they peddle misinformation.

Threatening our democracy,

They chip away at its very foundation.


What is happening resembles

That which happens when autocrats flower--

When violent thugs pave the way

For fascist leaders to rise to power.

-by Bob B (9-18-21)