Monday, August 23, 2021

Too Much Drinking from the Well of Madness

The world thrives on madness, I guess.

At least that's how it looks of late

As things spin out of control, and that's

Occurring at an alarming rate:


Mask mandates will save human lives,

Yet people resist with crazy notions;

Climate change deniers dismiss

The future threat of rising oceans;


Insurrectionists are seen

As “patriots” in the eyes of some;

Armageddon junkies keep

Messaging “Thy kingdom come”;


Far-right autocracies

And autocrats are on the rise;

People suspicious of reason and truth

Close their minds and lap up lies;


We’re seeing more grasping for power

And greater pursuits to suppress the vote;

Securing equal rights for all

Is becoming more remote;


People shun democracy

And favor personality cults;

Baseless attempts keep cropping up

To undermine election results;


Some people choose to rewrite history

And toss out facts they want to forget;

Xenophobia is rising

And immigrants are seen as a threat;


An ALL-about-ME-world seems to be

The world we’re living in at present;

Being nasty appears to be more

Admirable than being pleasant;


Insecure people yell "Cancel culture!"

When others attempt to expose the truth;

Racists keep using their biases,

Aversion, and hatred to poison our youth.


I once had faith in humanity

And tended to be more idealistic,

But with all this craziness,

It’s harder than hell to be optimistic.

-by Bob B (8-20-21)