Monday, August 16, 2021

A Lament for Afghanistan

When ideology joins brutality

And deadly fire rains down from above--

When plaintive human cries punctuate the skies

And the hawk devours the gentle dove--

Then we should all assess what our hearts express

And wonder if we've done all that we can.

But who can mitigate vicious, cruel hate

And suffering in poor Afghanistan?


When uncertainty belies stability

While the Taliban are on the move,

Insurgents will demand to have the upper hand,

Although other countries disapprove.

Twenty years of knowing how the winds were blowing,

Twenty years of guessing from afar…

Our underestimations and gross miscalculations

Had optimists all wishing on a star.


As hopes begin to ebb, the spider spins its web

And patiently awaits its helpless prey.

Extremist factions gain the power to remain.

How sad for the poor souls who must stay!

The day has turned to night; the Taliban will fight,

Determined to pursue their cruel quest.

They'll erase the past as they remain steadfast.

The Bamiyan Buddhas can attest.


People will cry "Shame!" and try to pass the blame.

At this point that is meaningless to do.

For years plans were unveiled, and many of them failed.

Here we go again: déjà vu.

So what happens now? Does anyone know how

The Afghans can withstand the cruel regime?

Sympathies fall flat. Just remember that

Things are often much worse than they seem.


What was bound to occur is not what we'd prefer

For the people's sake to see unroll.

The Taliban has more money than before,

And that has helped the rebels gain control.

It's hard not to obsess about the ghastly mess

Created by the brutal Taliban.

One can't overstate the sadness of the fate

Of all who suffer in Afghanistan.

-by Bob B (8-15-21)