Hey, come join us. Be a part
Of what our Party has come to be:
The re-imagined, highly unorthodox,
Radicalized GOP.
Proud Boys and other radical groups,
Step on up; display your charms.
You have found a home with us;
We welcome you with open arms.
White supremacists, don't worry:
The GOP won't shy away
From giving you a place where you
Can spew your hate and have your say.
QAnon folks, some of your
Conspiracy theories are right up our alley.
Of course, you'll be expected to
Show up at each Republican rally.
One of our leading goals is to make
It harder and harder for people to vote.
Overturning election results
Is something else that we promote.
If we say Dems are anti-American
And scream "Socialism!" enough,
We can pretend to be patriots
And dare the Left to call our bluff.
Facts are not important to us
As long as we can be in control.
Equality and justice both
Play for us a minor role.
We don’t care how wacky you are;
We just rely on your total support.
The key words that guide us now
Are "loyalty," "gaslight," "distract," and "distort."
Of course, we yell out "Unity!"
With fingers crossed behind our backs.
Power is where it's at, and we
Thrive on power to the max.
When it comes to rules, flout them--
Unless they serve your needs at the time.
The end will justify the means.
Not to believe that would be a crime.
The obstacles to achieving power
Are certainly NOT insurmountable.
We like accountability,
As long as you don't hold us accountable.
If probity is not an issue,
You are going to like what you see:
The re-imagined, highly unorthodox,
Radicalized GOP.
-by Bob B (2-6-21)