Friday, February 12, 2021

The Ballad of Ashli Babbitt

This is the tale of a woman;

Ashli Babbitt's her name.

She lost her life by becoming

Involved in a dangerous game.


She'd spent some time in the Air Force--

Fourteen dutiful years.

Later she worked with her family.

Then something snapped, it appears.


Her social media postings

Showed her recent romance

With crazy conspiracy theories

And an anti-immigrant stance.


Trump's deceitful distortions

Were something to which she held fast.

Her trip to the Capitol Building

Would end up being her last.


So say good-bye to Ashli.

What a sad reason to die!--

All for having supported

A president's giant lie.


When she arrived at the building,

She probably thought, "What the heck?"

And broke in with the mob

With a Trump flag 'round her neck.


A plan to take back the country

Was how the event was billed.

Instead it was a coup,

And Ashli was shot and killed.


Some people call her a martyr;

Some people call her a saint.

But most people here will tell you

That those are two things she ain't.


When we bow down to tyrants

Who break the existing rules,

We demonstrate the danger

Of fools being led by fools.


So say good-bye to Ashli.

What a sad reason to die!-

All for having supported

A president's giant lie…

All for having supported

A president's giant lie.

-by Bob B (2-12-21)