Thursday, February 11, 2021

Whiteness in America

I have a hard time understanding

This whole thing about being white

And what makes being white so special.

I CAN'T comprehend it, try as I might.


"Special" here means using “whiteness”

To hold others down with unfair laws

Or other discriminatory treatment--

Injustice that should give all people pause.


I am of northern European

Background. That is just who I am.

But if my forebears had come from Mars,

Frankly, I wouldn't give a damn.


I must accept myself--that’s true--

To be who I am, but I'll come clean:

I'd be content to be any color--

Black, white, or in between.


Privileges that come with being

White for many are in effect

Exactly what those very same people

Fear losing and choose to protect.


What a shame that is! To me

It absolutely makes no sense

To keep your sense of privilege

And do so at someone else's expense.


If only we could find a way

To make such treatment disappear!

Life could be so much more

Harmonious here on this earthly sphere.


Be who you are, but learn to appreciate

Others for who they happen to be.

Walk in their shoes, live in their skin,

Hear what they hear, see what they see.


White, brown, black…whatever.

Let's unite as people--as one.

NOT other people, but false pride

And prejudice are what we should shun.

-by Bob B (2-10-21)