Wednesday, January 27, 2021

What a Relief!

Oh, how wonderful it is

To have an adult in the White House again!

What a relief to have a leader

Who hires competent women and men--


Who doesn't give the lunatic fringe

Attention it so badly desires--

Whose comments on events are not

White supremacist pacifiers--


Who's honest with the public and

Isn't Putin's groveling flunky--

Who's an adherent of science and facts

And NOT a conspiracy theory junkie!


How great it is to have a leader

Who doesn't thrive on corrupt connections--

Who doesn't stir up mobs to commit

Anti-government insurrections--


Who doesn’t debase the Constitution--

Who tries with all his heart to bring

Compassion into the White House and doesn't

Rule the country as though he were king!


How cool to have a president

Who is going to be on the level

And who will have supporters who won't

Have to sell their souls to the Devil!


The task that lies before us now

Is NOT going to be an easy one.

The past four years have left us with

So much damage to be undone.

-by Bob B (1-27-21)