It's incomprehensible
What some people choose to believe.
And also extremely worrisome.
Maybe I’m a bit naïve,
But goodness gracious! I thought we
Human beings had progressed
Intellectually, but now
I am starting to feel depressed.
Deep state elites harvesting
Chemicals from babies’ blood…
A virus caused by the 5G network…
Do people really believe that crud?
That massive voter fraud had helped
President Biden to win the election…
That microchips have been implanted
In your COVID vaccine injection…
That COVID was intentional,
Created in a lab…That’s mad!
That the assault on the Capitol
Was staged to make Trump look bad…
It’s almost as though reason and madness
Are balancing on a teeter-totter.
What's happening to rational thought?
Is "crazy” in the drinking water?
-by Bob B (1-28-21)