Friday, January 8, 2021

Horror Before Our Very Eyes

Chaos! Mayhem! Destructiveness!

We watched the vile desecration

Occurring in the halls of Congress.

Images rightfully shocked the nation.


The day will live in infamy.

Rioters left their ugly mark--

Their foolish anger having been

Ignited by the president's spark.


Who couldn't see this coming?

The president's vitriol and lies

And wild conspiracy theories appealed

To thugs he wanted to galvanize.


Joining Trump at the pre-riot rally

Were losers such as Giuliani--

Scoundrels who'd do anything

To aid and abet their good friend Donny.


While Congress met to do its job--

To certify the November election--

Trump was exhorting a mob to lead

What was truly an insurrection.


Lives were endangered; lives were lost.

The Capitol Building was left a mess.

But once the dust had settled, Congress

Fulfilled its duty nevertheless.


Will there now be consequences?

Will Trump and his hoodlums get away

With lawless behavior? Hopefully not.

If so, there's going to be hell to pay.

-by Bob B (1-8-21)