Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Capitol QAnon Queen

How could it happen? How could it be

That Marjorie Taylor Greene

Became a member of Congress? She's

The Capitol QAnon Queen.


She said that the Parkland shootings were

A false flag and swore

That laser beams from outer space

Caused wildfires! There's more:


She advocated that violent acts

Be directed toward

Members of Congress. Such offenses

Shouldn't be ignored.


Hilary murdered babies, she said.

How could anyone

Take Greene seriously after

All the tales she's spun?


When racists hear her rants, they all

Swarm around her like flies

Attracted to something I'd rather not

Have to verbalize.


Her anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic

Hate speech abounds.

One wonders how a person could be

As crazy as she sounds.


Greene has given support to the myth

That Trump really won the election.

Her vitriol also helped to incite

The Capitol insurrection.


Many Republicans in Congress

Bury their heads in the sand,

Ignoring the danger that she poses.

Things are way out of hand.


Strange ideas are out there, granted,

But what could be more obscene

Than to have as a member of Congress

A Capitol QAnon Queen?

-by Bob B (1-30-21)

Friday, January 29, 2021

Remembering the Breathing Lady

Maisha Oni Muhammad-Brinkley

In Dallas, Texas, worked her magic

As a respiratory therapist

Until, sadly, her life turned tragic.


Also known as the Breathing Lady,

Maisha became her patients' friend.

Her sweet smile and compassionate heart

Accompanied her until the end.


Last September, Maisha grew sick,

Having contracted COVID-19

Just a few months before

She'd have access to a vaccine.


The forty-three-year-old mother of four

Needed to be hospitalized

And placed on a ventilator.

The seriousness couldn't be minimized.


Commitment to excellence had always been

Her motivation. Now she depended

On help from others to fight the virus,

Since her life had been upended.


November 18 arrived--the day

The loving wife and mother died.

Her husband of twenty-four years was able

To be there sitting by her side.


So when you're feeling tired of the virus

And let down your guard, you will find

That YOUR life AND the lives of OTHERS

Could be at risk. Bear that in mind.

-by Bob B (1-29-21)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Is Something in the Water?

It's incomprehensible

What some people choose to believe.

And also extremely worrisome.

Maybe I’m a bit naïve,


But goodness gracious! I thought we

Human beings had progressed

Intellectually, but now

I am starting to feel depressed.


Deep state elites harvesting

Chemicals from babies’ blood…

A virus caused by the 5G network…

Do people really believe that crud?


That massive voter fraud had helped

President Biden to win the election…

That microchips have been implanted

In your COVID vaccine injection…


That COVID was intentional,

Created in a lab…That’s mad!

That the assault on the Capitol

Was staged to make Trump look bad…


It’s almost as though reason and madness

Are balancing on a teeter-totter.

What's happening to rational thought?

Is "crazy” in the drinking water?

-by Bob B (1-28-21)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

What a Relief!

Oh, how wonderful it is

To have an adult in the White House again!

What a relief to have a leader

Who hires competent women and men--


Who doesn't give the lunatic fringe

Attention it so badly desires--

Whose comments on events are not

White supremacist pacifiers--


Who's honest with the public and

Isn't Putin's groveling flunky--

Who's an adherent of science and facts

And NOT a conspiracy theory junkie!


How great it is to have a leader

Who doesn't thrive on corrupt connections--

Who doesn't stir up mobs to commit

Anti-government insurrections--


Who doesn’t debase the Constitution--

Who tries with all his heart to bring

Compassion into the White House and doesn't

Rule the country as though he were king!


How cool to have a president

Who is going to be on the level

And who will have supporters who won't

Have to sell their souls to the Devil!


The task that lies before us now

Is NOT going to be an easy one.

The past four years have left us with

So much damage to be undone.

-by Bob B (1-27-21)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Who Were These People?

In horror we watched as our nation's

Capitol Building was overrun

By wild, angry pro-Trump mobs

On one…six…twenty-one.


Who were these people? you might ask.

Do you really want to know?

It's hard to imagine how people here

Could be so vile and stoop that low.


We could see T-shirts that read

6 - M - W - E.

"Six Million Wasn't Enough"

Is what they say it means, you see.


The number "Six Million"° refers

To the number of Jews whose lives were lost

Back in the 1940s during

The nightmarish Holocaust!


At least one thug wore a T-shirt

That read "Camp Auschwitz." He's a guy

You wouldn't want to bring home to Mother.

I'll give you fifty reasons why.


Some stormed through the halls of Congress

Waving Confederate flags. How telling!

Others were members of white militias,

Running through the building and yelling.


Others involved were QAnon people

Who have nothing better to do

Than think up bizarre conspiracy theories

And then pretend that the nonsense is true.


Members of the KKK

Also showed up there to endorse

The president. But who is shocked?

That is merely par for the course.


One thing that united them all

Was how they swallowed the president's lies.

After he fired them up at a rally,

Their wild behavior was not a surprise.


Trump says these are patriots!

Patriots? If such a display

Shows patriotism, then Trump is growing

More delusional every day.

-by Bob B (1-9-21)

°Some estimate that the number was millions more

Friday, January 8, 2021

Horror Before Our Very Eyes

Chaos! Mayhem! Destructiveness!

We watched the vile desecration

Occurring in the halls of Congress.

Images rightfully shocked the nation.


The day will live in infamy.

Rioters left their ugly mark--

Their foolish anger having been

Ignited by the president's spark.


Who couldn't see this coming?

The president's vitriol and lies

And wild conspiracy theories appealed

To thugs he wanted to galvanize.


Joining Trump at the pre-riot rally

Were losers such as Giuliani--

Scoundrels who'd do anything

To aid and abet their good friend Donny.


While Congress met to do its job--

To certify the November election--

Trump was exhorting a mob to lead

What was truly an insurrection.


Lives were endangered; lives were lost.

The Capitol Building was left a mess.

But once the dust had settled, Congress

Fulfilled its duty nevertheless.


Will there now be consequences?

Will Trump and his hoodlums get away

With lawless behavior? Hopefully not.

If so, there's going to be hell to pay.

-by Bob B (1-8-21)