Monday, June 15, 2020

Still Here

COVID-19 is still around us;
Don't think the virus has disappeared.
In fact, what is happening now
Is just what many people had feared.

Numbers are rising in many states.
Many people have lowered their guard.
While some of us are being careful,
The careless ones are making it hard.

Consistent messaging has been
Lacking from our leadership.
And what kind of guidance are
We now getting? Practically zip!

Because the wearing of masks is required
In certain places, people complain
At city council meetings. It makes
You wonder: Can't they use their brain?

As we reopen, we have to consider
A whole new way of thinking. What's more,
We can't--for now, at least--behave
Exactly as we behaved before.

We should watch how other countries
Got the virus under control.
Something here is not working.
Negligence is taking its toll.

As much as we'd like to wish it away,
Facing reality is a must.
It would be especially nice
If we had a president we could trust.

-by Bob B (6-15-20)