Monday, June 29, 2020

Shut Up and Put on Your Mask!

As cases of COVID-19 keep rising,
Denial is not the best solution.
Pretending the virus is not a threat
Won't bring about its diminution.

Talking about inflated numbers,
Calling it names like the "kung flu,"
Saying that it will disappear
On its own? Truly, the wrong thing to do.

When people don't heed the guidance of experts
And choose instead to rationalize
Careless behavior, they are allowing
Foolishness to wear a disguise.

Beating this virus requires that we
Work together and do our part
To implement the best and wisest
Practices--to do what's smart.

Maintain social distancing,
Avoid crowds in closed-in places,
And wear a mask when out in public.
We've GOT to stop the rise in cases.

If covering your nose and mouth
To you is a disagreeable task,
Instead of whining about your freedoms,
Just shut up and put on your mask!

-by Bob B (6-29-20)