Thursday, March 26, 2020

Looking for a Rainbow

When the day is murky
And clouds obstruct the sun,
I look for shining moments
Before the day is done.
I know it often seems
The clouds are here to stay.
Still, I hope a rainbow
Will brighten up my day.

I trust that at some point
I won't be wondering when
The gloomy clouds will leave us
And the sun will shine again.
Call it optimism
Or my naïveté,
But I still seek a rainbow
To brighten up my day.

The stormy clouds create
A harsh reality
And make the silver linings
Difficult to see.
Do not be disheartened
By what nay-sayers say.
You might see a rainbow
To brighten up your day.

I know we have to take
The bitter with the sweet.
A setback here or there
Doesn't mean defeat.
Just hang on to hope
And don't be led astray.
You will find that rainbow
To brighten up your day.

-by Bob B (3-26-20)