Tuesday, March 31, 2020

And in These Times?

An Arkansas pastor claims
That half of his church is willing to lick
The floor to prove that COVID-19
Is merely a hoax--a liberal trick.

In Florida, a megachurch
Pastor brazenly defies
An order restricting gatherings
Of more than ten people. NOT very wise.

The Bible study teacher for
Trump's Cabinet displays
His ignorance in blaming the spread
Of the virus COVID-19 on gays.

But no, not only on gays, but on
Environmentalists to boot.
How dangerous when an adviser at
The White House is a spiritual brute!

As if he knows the mind of God,
He says that God is angry; hence,
God is punishing humankind.
Where are reason and common sense?

It's hard to believe that in this year--
2020--one could swallow
Such poppycock, such balderdash,
Such vacuous words, cold and hollow.

-by Bob B (3-31-20)