Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Don't Give It to Me!

They say we must be careful
Not to spread our germs.
Here's a situation with which
We've got to come to terms.
Viruses can be deadly--
Especially one like this.
This one isn't one that we
Can easily dismiss.

Wash your hands with soap,
Cover your mouth when you sneeze,
And do not touch your face with unwashed
Hands, geez Louise!
Avoid crowded spaces
To keep the virus from spreading.
To extreme social distancing:
That's where we are heading.

If you have a symptom
That makes you nervous, you
Should first of all not panic because
It might be the flu.
Stay home and be cautious;
Be sure to isolate
Yourself from others, for COVID-19
Doesn't discriminate.

If your test results
Indicate that yes,
You have caught the virus, then
Don't run to the press.
Let your doctor know.
To do that don't think twice.
Do everything in your power to follow
The doctor's sound advice.

Let's all do our part
To get this under control
So life can go on as before.
That should be our goal.
However, if you choose
To live life recklessly,
And end up catching the virus, well,
Don't give it to me!

-by Bob B (3-18-20)