Tuesday, March 31, 2020

And in These Times?

An Arkansas pastor claims
That half of his church is willing to lick
The floor to prove that COVID-19
Is merely a hoax--a liberal trick.

In Florida, a megachurch
Pastor brazenly defies
An order restricting gatherings
Of more than ten people. NOT very wise.

The Bible study teacher for
Trump's Cabinet displays
His ignorance in blaming the spread
Of the virus COVID-19 on gays.

But no, not only on gays, but on
Environmentalists to boot.
How dangerous when an adviser at
The White House is a spiritual brute!

As if he knows the mind of God,
He says that God is angry; hence,
God is punishing humankind.
Where are reason and common sense?

It's hard to believe that in this year--
2020--one could swallow
Such poppycock, such balderdash,
Such vacuous words, cold and hollow.

-by Bob B (3-31-20)

Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19: If the Virus Pays a Call

(This poem can be sung to the tune of "If I Only Had a Brain" from THE WIZARD OF OZ.)

We can wash our hands completely
And socialize discreetly.
We have the wherewithal.
We should spare no expenses
To keep up our defenses
If the virus pays a call.

We can scrub down every finger--
So nothing bad can linger--
With rubbing alcohol.
Though our hands start to chafe now,
We feel that we are safe now
If the virus pays a call.

We can keep a social distance
To strengthen our resistance.
The task is far from small.
I hope you do not slug me
Just 'cause I won't let you hug me
'N case the virus pays a call.

It's not a sci-fi plot;
The problem's very real.
The virus can survive on many surfaces.
So tell me how that makes you feel.


We ought to be investing
In lots and lots of testing,
But someone dropped the ball.
We need negotiators
To find more ventilators
If the virus pays a call.

I can't wait till this is past us.
We CAN'T let it outlast us;
Let's make the numbers fall.
Be cautious and be wary
And do all that's necessary
If the virus pays a call.

-by Bob B (3-29-20)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Serving Mammon

Yes, it has been in the news
And from reliable sources, too.
For some people it's all about
The worship of money and revenue.

Certain Trumplicans maintain
That some of us are really dispensable
And ought to sacrifice our lives.
Such ideas are reprehensible!

They say that we who are up there in age
Ought to do our part to save
The world by going to work every day,
Even though it could mean the grave.

By working during the current pandemic,
We can keep the economy going.
Never mind the lives that are lost;
Just keep that money flowing.

"Come on, Grandpa and Grandma," they say,
"Do this for your grandkids now.
They will love your noble gesture."
And then they bow to their sacred cow.

Money over human lives:
That's what this is all about.
If you think that's a good idea,
Then go to work, but count me out!

-by Bob B (3-29-20)

Friday, March 27, 2020

A Dangerous Path

As Trump gets more obnoxious, his
Approval ratings rise.
Why can't more Americans see
The danger in his lies?

The man's a total disaster; he's
A wheel missing some spokes.
At first he lied at his rallies, saying
COVID-19 was a hoax.

Now he wants to expunge those words
From all the records, of course.
He's doing it to save his hide; it's not
Because he feels remorse.

Misinforming the public's a ploy
He's done all along.
He would prefer to croak than ever
Admit that he was wrong.

As governors scramble to fight a virus,
Requests go unheeded.
States compete for medical
Supplies badly needed.

Many people's lives are at risk.
Health workers require
Protective gear, for they are directly
In the line of fire.

"America first" has long been Trump's
Pretended aspiration.
We ARE first: we have more cases
Than any other nation--

Cases of COVID-19, that is.
The numbers, too, are rising.
Due to our government's slow response,
That is not surprising.

Testing, testing, testing is key,
Experts keep repeating.
To act without adhering to facts
Is totally self-defeating.

Experts, speak out! Don't be afraid
Of Trump's tantrums and wrath.
Failure to give us the truth will lead us
Down a dangerous path.

-by Bob B (3-27-20)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Looking for a Rainbow

When the day is murky
And clouds obstruct the sun,
I look for shining moments
Before the day is done.
I know it often seems
The clouds are here to stay.
Still, I hope a rainbow
Will brighten up my day.

I trust that at some point
I won't be wondering when
The gloomy clouds will leave us
And the sun will shine again.
Call it optimism
Or my naïveté,
But I still seek a rainbow
To brighten up my day.

The stormy clouds create
A harsh reality
And make the silver linings
Difficult to see.
Do not be disheartened
By what nay-sayers say.
You might see a rainbow
To brighten up your day.

I know we have to take
The bitter with the sweet.
A setback here or there
Doesn't mean defeat.
Just hang on to hope
And don't be led astray.
You will find that rainbow
To brighten up your day.

-by Bob B (3-26-20)

Monday, March 23, 2020

Don't Hoard All the Toilet Paper!

Don't hoard all the toilet paper!
Leave some for the rest of us.
There's enough to go around,
So we have a right to make a fuss.

Don't go crazy buying masks.
Leave some for the medical staff
Who badly need protective gear.
Spread the word on their behalf.

Why keep hoarding bottled water?
Water from the tap is fine.
Get a water purifier
If yours is not a good as mine.

Disinfectant wipes? Come on!
Do you need them ALL for yourself?
Couldn't you just take your share
And leave a few for me on the shelf?

Paper towels? Purell? Also
Disappearing round the clock.
Do we have to ration items
To keep a few more things in stock?

Do not fill the ER, please,
Unless you have an emergency,
Because if I get seriously ill,
I want there to be a spot for me.

There are a few things you should hoard:
Try hoarding common sense,
Responsibility, and caution.
Knowledge is our best defense.

Corncobs? They are out of the question.
It would put my mind at ease
If everybody followed directions.
Do not hoard the TP, please

-by Bob B (3-23-20)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Game of Life

We're thrust into the Game of Life
Crying, "Here I am! Make way!"
And then we have to play along,
Whether or not we want to play.

Confused and bewildered at first, we strive
To gather together strategic tools
To help us maneuver through twists and turns,
And as we play we learn the rules.

The game's not always easy, for our
Priorities often need rearranging.
What makes life even trickier yet
Is that the blasted rules keep changing!

Once in a while we win a round;
And then once in a while we lose.
We learn to celebrate our gains,
To ride out storms, to pay our dues.

We also learn that fellow players
Are NOT always on our side.
Thus, it's necessary for us
To be prepared for a bumpy ride.

Along the way, we will encounter
Liars who try to sabotage
Our efforts to thrive. We also have to
Learn what's true and what's a mirage.

Ah! Those moments of happiness--
We want to grasp them to make them last.
But sad times make their unwelcome entrance
And must be dealt with until they've passed.

Close calls often occur, and at times
We don't even know that they are there.
Don't be neurotic and paranoid,
But here's some advice: always beware.

Play with gusto, and always maintain
The enthusiasm of a beginner,
For in this game, each of us
Can ultimately be a winner.

Once we make our final move,
Forget grasping, fortune, and fame.
The rules will have changed again;
We'll be playing a different game.

-by Bob B (3-22-20)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Living in a Dystopian Novel

Empty shelves. Lack of supplies.
Fighting a virus that's unforgiving.
School closures. Loss of jobs.
A new reality in which we're living.

Hospitals filling. Medical staff
In danger from lack of protective gear.
Stores and industries shutting down.
For how long remains unclear.

Closed borders. Cancelled flights.
Social distancing's a must.
Living in a dystopian novel,
We hear the command: Adjust! Adjust!

Where is our federal leadership?
Scrambling for sure, but this is worth noting:
The president's spreading misinformation
And keeps applying a sugar coating.

We need help! our governors say;
We're limited, but doing what we can.
The president says, "We are not
A supply shop." Compassionate man!

When asked pertinent questions about
Allaying the public's fears or stress,
Our insecure president
Loses control and attacks the press.

For months we knew of the imminent threat,
And yet where was the preparation?
The jaw-dropping inactivity
Of our leadership endangers our nation.

Our ICU surge capacity
Must be increased, experts insist.
And personal protective equipment
Should be at the top of the list.

Unfortunately, the president's
Narcissism gets in his way.
We DON'T need empty promises;
We need action. Now! Today!

We'll get through this eventually.
Because of him? No! In SPITE of him
Who leads us down the rabbit hole
And governs by a hunch and a whim.

-by Bob B (3-21-20)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Don't Give It to Me!

They say we must be careful
Not to spread our germs.
Here's a situation with which
We've got to come to terms.
Viruses can be deadly--
Especially one like this.
This one isn't one that we
Can easily dismiss.

Wash your hands with soap,
Cover your mouth when you sneeze,
And do not touch your face with unwashed
Hands, geez Louise!
Avoid crowded spaces
To keep the virus from spreading.
To extreme social distancing:
That's where we are heading.

If you have a symptom
That makes you nervous, you
Should first of all not panic because
It might be the flu.
Stay home and be cautious;
Be sure to isolate
Yourself from others, for COVID-19
Doesn't discriminate.

If your test results
Indicate that yes,
You have caught the virus, then
Don't run to the press.
Let your doctor know.
To do that don't think twice.
Do everything in your power to follow
The doctor's sound advice.

Let's all do our part
To get this under control
So life can go on as before.
That should be our goal.
However, if you choose
To live life recklessly,
And end up catching the virus, well,
Don't give it to me!

-by Bob B (3-18-20)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

What We Are Learning

COVID-19 is here! We have to
Do what we can to slow its spread.
Failure to act appropriately
Will mean scarier times ahead.

Experts say the mortality rate
Of the flu is zero point one percent;
COVID-19 is ten times worse.
Someone, PLEASE tell the president!

It's also NOT something that we
Control through travel bans,* they say.
Testing is crucial. South Korea
Tests 10,000 people a day!

Have bureaucratic snags prevented
Testing here? If testing is key
To help suppress the spread of the virus,
And others can do it, why can't we?

Identify and isolate.
We need more tests and on the double.
If health systems are overburdened,
We will be in a heap of trouble.

Yes, we have to "flatten the curve"
And practice precautions to the letter.
Still, the situation is going to
Get much worse before it gets better.

One thing we've learned: Trump and his cronies
Had stifled many efforts to contain
The spread of the virus by carrying on
Their reckless disinformation campaign.

Clear, honest messaging
And not a suspicious, distrustful inaction
Is what we need; otherwise,
You're going to dislike the coming attraction.

-by Bob B (3-12-20)

*At first experts disagreed as to the effectiveness of travel bans--especially arbitrary travel bans.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

It's That Time Again

Today will be the kind of day
That I would rather wish away.
But wishing will not change the fact
That it's time to reenact
A little procedure--not so merry--
Which, I fear, is necessary.
For I have to prep, you see,
For my colonoscopy!

TMI, you say. Why share
The messy details of this affair?
Details? No, I'll spare you those.
That is something to leave to the pros.
But anyone who's done this before
Knows what tomorrow has in store.
Frankly, it's not my cup of tea--
Having a colonoscopy.

The prep is really the part I hate.
No solid food upon my plate.
And nothing purple, red, or blue.
Jello's the only thing I can chew.
Otherwise, it's liquids only.
My stomach's already feeling lonely.
Tomorrow I will eat with glee,
AFTER my colonoscopy.

Tonight at 6:00 the "clean-out" commences.
That could have bad consequences
If our toilet were out of commission.
Then I'd be in an awkward position.
Tonight you will have to admit
That you can't say I'm full of &!#%.
I assume that you'd agree:
Not fun, a colonoscopy.

-by Bob B (3-8-20)

Friday, March 6, 2020

Growing Old

Growing old probably has
Advantages. Yes? Perhaps.
Although it makes me a little nervous
When I have a memory lapse.

We should grow wiser, shouldn't we?
Wisdom comes with age, they say.
Tomorrow then I hope to be
Much wiser than I am today.

One thing that's certain is these days
I spend more time than I did in the past
At doctor appointments and funerals.
And NOW time passes by so fast!

Though I'm able to read in English,
German, French, Italian, Spanish,
And also a little Norwegian, how much
Longer until my synapses vanish?

It's said that playing an instrument
And learning languages helps the brain.
I hope so, yet it seems that I
Forget much more than I retain!

If in October you ask me about
A book I finished in September,
I can say I read it, but that's
About all that I can remember.

But reading itself is such a pleasure
That when I read a book and then
Forget the details completely, I know
That I can always read it again.

Was it that long ago that I
Was trim and I could jog and dance?
My jogging/dancing days are over,
And now my tummy hangs over my pants.

But walking's something I can do.
I can walk for miles at a time,
Even though I'd hardly say
That currently I'm in my prime.

Every day should be an adventure,
For life's marvels are manifold.
Don't let anything stop you--not even
A little thing like growing old.

-by Bob B (3-6-20)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

National Pancake Day

Ah, pancakes, hot off the griddle--
Buttermilk pancakes, oozing with butter
And drowning in gooey maple syrup.
Oh, my goodness! My heart’s all aflutter.

Forget the eggs, bacon, and sausage;
Let the flapjacks fill my plate.
I intend to savor every
Delicious bite to celebrate.

Got blueberries? Get them out.
Stir them into the sumptuous batter.
Serve the cakes for breakfast, lunch,
Or even dinner; it doesn’t matter.

A few carbs, a little sugar…
I don’t care. What the hay?
I’m enjoying a piece of heaven.
Happy National Pancake Day!

-by Bob B (3-4-20)