Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Relentless Stalker

Death--a relentless stalker--
Never leaves us alone
Until he once and for all
Makes us one of his own.

We think that we elude him.
Although our defenses are weak,
We try to play a fruitless
Game of hide and seek.

He knows every refuge--
Every hiding place--
And hates it when we spurn
His unwelcome embrace.

"Death, be gone!" we say.
"For you I have no use.
Your never-ending threats
Are nothing but abuse."

"Can't you see," says he,
"That I’m determinative?
Only because of me
Are you able to live."

Lurking in the shadows,
He hopes that we'll forget
To heed our inner warnings
Acknowledging him as a threat.

His efforts to cajole us
Into succumbing are steady.
He demands our compliance
Whether or not we're ready.

When he takes our hand,
The best that we can do
Is stare him down and say,
"I'm not afraid of you!"

-by Bob B (1-2-20)