Friday, January 31, 2020

Sidestep, the Political Cat

Sidestep’s a political cat--
Seldom around when you need him.
But it never fails: he is there
When it's time to feed him.

Early on, his mother knew
He'd be a politician.
As a kitten, he proved to be
A glib rhetorician.

He could talk his siblings out of
Any treat or favor.
He quickly learned what went down fast
And what he needed to savor.

In kitten school, he highly excelled.
Though not an expert reader,
He was good at giving orders,
For he was a natural leader.

When it came to loyalties,
You barely knew where he stood.
He was known as the "cagey one"
Throughout the neighborhood.

Now he thinks that caterwauling
Expresses his constitution,
And he has devoted time to perfecting
The art of circumlocution.

When you think you've pinned him down,
Much to your dismay,
He evades your prying questions
And suddenly slips away.

His donors, extolling his policies,
Are proud to be in his tribe.
What they might call a major donation,
Others call a bribe.

"Donations" consist of a dying lizard,
A tasty, half-eaten mouse,
Or a scrumptious piece of grasshopper
Next to the door of the house.

When the spotlight shines on him,
Oh, how his eyes glisten!
But sometimes he talks way too much
And doesn't like to listen.

He maintains his strategies
Are crucial for survival.
Thus, he looks for ways to smear
Any political rival.

He thinks he is quite the card.
However, opinions are split.
Though liked by some, many think
He's really full of spit.

"You will always win with me!"
Is one of his favorite quotes.
He hopes his fake sincerity
Will win him a lot of votes.

Sidestep runs a messy campaign
As he stands in front of the flag.
He just hopes that no one lets
The cat out of the bag.

-by Bob B (1-31-20)

(images borrowed from online sources)

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Berating the Bully

As chief diplomat,
By the way-o,
You're NOTHING but a rat,
Mike Pompeo.

So Trump has become
Your protégé-o.
Sounds like zero-sum,
Mike Pompeo.

Supporters you may please
Every day-o
By acting like a sleaze,
Mike Pompeo.

But most of us see fully--
Let us say-o--
The workings of a bully,
Mike Pompeo.

Kelly° asked about
The game you play-o,
And all you did was shout,
Mike Pompeo.

Calling her a liar,
Not okay-o,
When YOUR pants are on fire,
Mike Pompeo.

Your reputation's in
One more thing to spin,
Mike Pompeo.

What are you trying
To convey-o
With your constant lying,
Mike Pompeo?

You and Trump should know--
Come what may-o--
You'll reap what you sow,
Mike Pompeo.

-by Bob B (1-30-20)

°Mary Louise Kelly, NPR reporter

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

We Call That Justice?

If vital evidence is withheld,
In NO way can a trial be legit.
Such a trial would be a sham;
Our system of justice would take a hit.

If key, relevant witnesses
Cannot testify, then how
Can the outcome of such a case
Be valid? It can't. What's happening now

In the Senate is a travesty.
Finding the truth is not the goal.
Kowtowing Mitch McConnell
Disgustingly has sold his soul.

The president's lawyers focus on
Arguments completely off base.
They try to distract the members of Congress
With info irrelevant to the case.

Still obstructing Congress, Trump
Expects that he will be acquitted,
When in actuality,
He really ought to be committed.

-by Bob B (1-28-20)

Monday, January 27, 2020

In Praise of Cats

Dogs and cats can enhance our lives--
At least when we don't break out in hives,
Constantly sneeze and blow our nose,
And have to experience other woes.
Dogs are very demonstrative,
Quick to obey, and quick to forgive.
Cats, however, are more mysterious,
Less predictable, surely more serious.

It’s true that when a cat’s in heat,
The sounds she makes are far from sweet.
But rub your hand across her fur
And listen to her soothing purr.
Dogs insist on making their mark
By giving a loud, annoying bark.
They scare you with a threatening growl
And drive you crazy when they howl.

Of course, dogs can learn to shake
And sit--both a piece of cake.
They'll fetch, roll over, heel, and stay,
And try to do other things you say.
Cats will hear your every command
But ACT as though they don't understand.
They understand but find it stifling
When asked to do what they find trifling.

If you have a coffee table,
Tie things down if you are able.
Larger dogs will never fail
To knock things off with a wagging tail.
Cats will daintily tiptoe by
And not leave everything awry,
For cats have had much greater success
At demonstrating their finesse.

When dogs perchance let out a fart,
Your nose will crinkle, your eyes will smart.
Cats, however, have much more class;
You hardly know that they've passed gas.
When dogs are out to walk or play,
They'll poop and then just walk away.
With dirt or sand, cats construe
A way to cover up number two.

I have friends who say to me
That dogs make better company--
That dogs provide more dividends
Because they make much better friends.
But I say there should be no shame
If cats make calm restraint their aim.
And I choose friends who in no case
Would slobber on me and lick my face.

Dogs must always get a whiff
Of everything that they can sniff.
One wonders what's going on in their minds
When they smell one another's behinds.
Cats bring manners up a notch:
They don't walk up and sniff your crotch.
They're more subtle and wouldn't dare;
They display more savoir faire.

While dogs don't like to be alone,
Cats…well they do fine on their own.
Dogs out there should NOT be offended;
Any insults were unintended.
I must say I have no regrets
Discussing what I prefer in pets.
Surely, some of you think I'm nuts,
But I still prefer cats to mutts.

-by Bob B (1-27-20)

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Mighty Jupiter, massive, majestic…
Three hundred times the size of planet Earth.
Shaper, molder of many of our planets.
First planet formed at our solar system’s birth.

Your gravitational pull is completely unmatched
By any other planet that revolves around the sun.
Despite over four billion years since your making,
Your strong influence and your work are yet undone.

How do you manage your many, many moons--
Seventy-nine plus on paths around your sphere?
Callisto, Io, Ganymede, Europa…
Do you have a name for our moon down here?

Where would we be if it hadn't been for you?
Would there have been the birth of humankind?
As you rampaged through our solar system,
Is this configuration what you had in mind?

Protecting us from objects farther out in space,
You could also send us a dangerous surprise:
By hurling an asteroid in the earth’s direction,
You have the potential to cause our demise.

You are certainly a mystery of science--
Baffling, inscrutable. Your power, raw.
We here on Earth respect your magnanimity.
We fear you somewhat, yet we look at you with awe.

-by Bob B (1-25-20)

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Aphrodite, the Cat of the Stage

Sometimes you see her admiring herself
In the mirror that's hanging next to the shelf.
And when she does it, oh, how she shines!
Is that, dear cat, how you practice your lines?
She seems not to care if we pay attention,
But maybe right here I ought to make mention
That being an actress, she's disinclined
To always reveal what's going on in her mind.
And she'll never, never tell you her age--
Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

She says, "You know…I'm not one to cuss,
But when I am hungry, I WILL make a fuss."
Yes, she can certainly put on a scene
And act as though she's an importunate queen.
She says, "My dears, if I'm weak or mild,
I'll never drive the audience wild."
That critical scene is repeated each night--
A regular tour de force all right.
Yes, it's best to try to assuage
Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

Her eyes were surely her greatest feature;
She THUS scoured the town for a drama teacher,
"Who," she says dolefully, "told me one night he
Could make me a star. ME: Aphrodite!"
But as it turned out, ol' Mr. Mittens
Made her instead a mom of eight kittens.
"But," she says, "THAT'S between you and me.
You know that I value my privacy."
It's good to always be on the same page
With Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

One thing you learn is for her it's the norm
To act a bit slighted when asked to perform.
She must be totally in the mood
Or else she behaves in a manner subdued.
And heaven help you if you are neglectful
Or if her audience is disrespectful.
She'll exit the room like a "cat" out of hell,
And you may not see her for quite a long spell.
You never want to see her rage--
Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

She sighs and says, "It's such a shame that
Few playwrights write good roles for a cat.
My friends say--when they see me upset--
'Commercials might be a better bet.'
My talents, however, as you might have guessed,
Best fit the stage. But now I must rest."
With that she lifted her nose in the air
And strutted out of the room with great flair.
It's always nice: advice from a sage
Like Aphrodite, the cat of the stage.

-by Bob B (1-24-20)

(photos from online sources)

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Acrobat, the Harbor Cat

Something has happened, and I'd be remiss
If I neglected to tell you this:
There's reason to worry, but try to calm down.
Acrobat is back in town!
His ancestors lived at the Long Beach Pike
Starting way back in the days of Ike.
You have a right to be concerned,
For people all over the town have been burned.
Not a very good diplomat
Is Acrobat, the harbor cat.

When you're dining, be on guard:
He doesn't leave a calling card.
Calamari has its appeal,
But sushi is Acrobat's favorite meal.
He'll snatch the salmon right off of the rice.
(He much prefers seafood to mice.)
Before fried cod can touch your lips,
He'll steal the fish but leave the chips.
He doesn't need a welcome mat--
Not Acrobat, the harbor cat.

At barbecues it's always unclear
How certain items can disappear.
So if you are missing a sausage or two,
A chicken leg, or even a few,
It's not too hard to believe, is it,
That Acrobat was paying a visit?
Swiping food for him is a cinch.
But rodents…well…they'll do in a pinch.
Be on the lookout if you are a rat
For Acrobat, the harbor cat.

There are some who can outfox a fox.
Just after dawn on the fishing docks,
Out of the blue, someone yells, "Wait!
What has happened to all my bait?"
While he stands there scratching his head,
They say that behind the cleaning shed,
Hidden among the buckets and mops,
Acrobat sits, licking his chops.
He won't hang around and stay for a chat--
Not Acrobat, the harbor cat.

Now Acrobat, a cagey sort,
Doesn't believe in child support.
He WON'T help raise his progeny
And blames it all on phylogeny.
He's quite the dandy and quite the cad.
But watch out if you make him mad.
I would wager that many regret
Ignoring him as a credible threat.
You really want to avoid a spat
With Acrobat, the harbor cat.

-by Bob B (1-23-20)

(photos from online sources)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Senate Impeachment Trial

As the House members turn up the dial
At the president's impeachment trial,
If you're keeping score,
You'll see more and more
That the GOP lives in denial.

How can a trial be legit
If Midnight Mitch will not permit
Key witnesses there?
He says, "I don't care.
Who needs a trial? Just acquit."

His reasoning's so hard to parse.
He basically says, "Kiss my arse."
There's SO much at stake,
But HE'S going to make
The trial in the Senate a farce.

-by Bob B (1-22-20)

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

America the What?

(This poem can be sung to the song "America the Beautiful.")

America, what's happened here?
You're covered by a cloud.
We're now constrained to shed a tear,
For how can we be proud?
America, you've offered us
Such wonders since your birth.
But now you see how sadly we
Have failed to prove our worth.

America, from east to west
Your history reveals
That in the past we once were blessed
With passionate ideals.
But now we can observe that we
Are burdened by extremes.
Must we regress from hopefulness?
What's happened to our dreams?

America, since early days,
We've grown from cause to cause.
But now we watch as lawmakers
Find ways to bend the laws.
Integrity was once admired,
Equality a goal.
But greed and hate won't make us great.
What's happened to our soul?

America, we'd hoped that you
Would loudly sing your song--
That colors true--red, white, and blue--
Would carry us along.
A crisis looms, the likes of which
We haven't had before.
The case is grave; we've got to save
This land from shore to shore.

-by Bob B (1-21-20)

Monday, January 20, 2020

A Tale of the Porcupines*

The frigid winter was colder than ever.
The porcupines, both young and old,
Were deeply concerned, for animal friends
Were dying because of the bitter cold.

Therefore, they decided that
It would behoove them all to form
A close-knit group. Huddled together,
They could keep one another warm.

It seemed like a good idea at first,
But then they agreed with unanimity
That being so close was not working out:
Their quills pricked porcupines in proximity.

But later they learned that separated,
They were worse off, for no denying,
Unable to keep one another warm,
The freezing porcupines were dying.

If they planned to survive the winter,
They had to act, and so they decided
That being banded together was more
Beneficial than being divided.

And so they grouped together again,
Realizing that they could endure
The little jabs from the others' quills,
But they would survive the winter for sure.

The moral: when we look at life
And consider all our interconnections,
It's best if we can learn to live
With one another's imperfections.

Another way to look at the story:
Life can be painful, but we should strive
To put up with all the pricks in life
If we truly want to survive.

-by Bob B (1-20-20)

*A popular tale (author unknown) retold here in verse

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 8 (Expanding Your Power)

Expanding your power is essential
For you to rule with an iron fist.
Remember that you and truth and honor
Simply cannot coexist.

Surround yourself with the most unethical
People you know. One result
Is you will find that that is a much
Simpler way to build your cult.

Appoint an attorney general who
Will back you up no matter what.
He'll investigate your critics;
In short, he'll help you kick their butt.

You can then intimidate
Members of Congress, for you'll find
That with the AG's help they'll be
More malleable. Bear that in mind.

Once you've got your toadies in Congress,
Gone is the separation of powers.
You'll get away with anything.
Their blind devotion will water your flowers.

As your power increases and people
Fear you more, you'll know fully
All the advantages of being
A crass, crude, obnoxious bully.

The groveling sycophants around you--
Though they appear weak and feckless--
Will always be willing to give you a pass,
Even if your behavior is reckless.

You can follow the lead of friend
Vladimir Putin, for he understands
What it's like for a leader to have
So much power in his hands.

Oh, I love democracy--
Something that I can exploit and abuse
And manipulate to give myself
Even more power if I so choose.

-by Bob B (1-18-20)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Clicks and Likes

With its trusty algorithm,
Facebook prioritizes for you
Posts and ads so that you see
What it THINKS you want to view.

Bold and sassy, the company
Doesn't even apologize
When certain Facebook users receive
Political ads that are filled with lies.

By the way, are you a purist,
Whom the trend might disturb
To see "like" used as a noun
And the word "friend" used as a verb?

The world today revolves around
"Clicks" and "Likes" on the Internet.
People become bizarrely obsessed
With how many "Clicks" or "Likes" they get.

Email to many is cumbersome,
But if there's something you want me to see,
There's ONE way to ensure that I see it:
Email or text the info to me.

-by Bob (1-17-20)

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Do Not Kill Your Hummingbird

If you care about our friends,
Sound the alarm and spread the word:
Do not let your hummingbird feeder
Kill your visiting hummingbird.

What a pleasure it is to watch
The little critters hover and dip
And dart and dash and land on our feeders,
Looking for sweet nectar to sip!

Enjoying their daily visits, we want
To offer help to our little pals.
But if we're negligent, we might
Be killing the little guys and gals.

The nectar in your feeder must
Be changed every five days or so.
Otherwise, the birds could die.
This is very important to know.

If a fungus grows in the nectar,
There will be a complication:
The birds will sip it, their tongues will swell,
And then they'll die of cruel starvation.

I don't mean to make you depressed
Or increase your apprehensions,
But sometimes human beings can cause
Harm despite our best intentions.

-by Bob B (1-16-20)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Listen to Your Heart

(Try singing this poem to the tune of Bob Dylan's song "Blowin' in the Wind.")

How many lies can a president tell
Until people say, “That’s enough”?
How often can one man play a hard game
Until someone else calls his bluff?
How long till people stand up to hate
And give it a fitting rebuff?
The thing you must do is listen to your heart;
You must try to listen to your heart.

How many clouds must darken the sky
Before we can feel the cold rain?
How long must people suffer in life
Until we can feel their pain?
How can a leader within a short time
Destroy what is hard to regain?
The thing you must do is listen to your heart;
You must try to listen to your heart.

How many laws can a president break
Until Congress tells him, "You're fired!"?
How can a leader have so many duds
Among the people he's hired?
What does it take for the voters to say,
"We've had it; your time has expired"?
The thing you must do is listen to your heart;
You must try to listen to your heart.

-by Bob B (1-15-20)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Why It Matters

Elections do have consequences.
Apathy is detrimental.
Putting in office the wrong person
Is not merely coincidental.

Some people say, "No problem
If Donald Trump abuses his power.
He's giving me exactly what
I want, so why should I be sour?"

Other people--regarding their jobs--
Complacently say, "I’ve got work.
So why shouldn’t I vote for him,
Even though the man is a jerk?”

Many might say, “I don’t care
How he acts or how much he lies.
MY life is going smoothly.
That's not something I'll jeopardize."

Regarding election meddling by
Foreign powers, people say,
"If it helps the president
To get elected, fire away."

"So what if White nationalists
Infect the White House," some insist.
"Don't racists and bigots and haters
Also have the right to exist?"

People say, "Trump has an ego
And acts like a child if no one feeds it.
So what if we've lost respect in the world.
To hell with respect! Bah, who needs it?"

And then there are also those who believe
Every word he utters, as though
They can't see that the more he speaks,
The more we know what he doesn't know.

Yes, elections matter a lot.
Know what's real; know what's fake.
Our future is hanging in the balance;
The soul of our nation is what's at stake.

-by Bob B (1-14-20)

Monday, January 13, 2020

Pills Pills Pills

There's a guy who always was
The paragon of health.
His fitness was a thing he treasured
Even more than wealth.
He said that exercise and eating
Well will keep you strong.
If he got a cold it never
Lasted very long.
He took daily vitamins
And supplements galore.
His favorite place to shop in seemed
To be the health food store.
He said that he'd take drugs but only
As a last resort.
Well, now he's taking pills, but they
Are of a different sort.

He takes a pill for his thyroid and
One to help him sleep.
There's one he takes for arthritis;
That one isn't cheap.
He takes one for anxiety--
To elevate his mood.
Some he takes on an empty stomach,
And some he takes with food.
He takes a pill for cholesterol;
Another one's for his heart.
All the different shapes and colors
Help him tell them apart.
The one he takes for his prostate helps him
When he has to pee.
Now without his stash of pills
He wonders where he'd be.

So, if you're down on drugs, I think
This gentleman will contend
That certain medications help you
Avoid an early end.
The only thing, he says, is meds
Are not a problem as such,
But why the hell do some meds have to
Cost so very much?
On ONE hand we can say that drugs
Might help us to survive.
And yet because of side effects,
We're lucky to be alive.
If you think that you've been lucky,
You might have been. That's true.
But when you reach a certain age,
THIS might happen to you:

You MIGHT need a pill for your thyroid and
One to help you sleep.
You MIGHT need one for arthritis;
Some of them aren't cheap.
You MIGHT need one for anxiety--
To elevate your mood.
Be sure to read the directions because
Some you take with food.
You MIGHT need a pill for cholesterol,
Or maybe one for your heart.
All the different shapes and colors
Help you tell them apart.
Men, your prostate pill will help you
When you have to pee.
Ladies, you'll take something else;
You WON'T get off scot-free.

Yes, without our stash of pills
I wonder where we'd be.

-by Bob B (1-13-20)

Saturday, January 11, 2020


All would be quite different today
If we hadn't interfered
In Iranian politics
In the 1950s. What is weird--

Or maybe isn't when you consider
How the world functions--is how
What we did way back then
Is coming back to haunt us now.

Helping to orchestrate a coup,
Our CIA helped a man--
Mohammad Reza, the Shah--return
To be the leader of modern Iran.

The Shah moved the country forward,
But there was also a huge increase
Of harsh acts to stifle dissent
By the Shah's secret police.

The 70s brought a revolution.
The people rose up, and then voilà:
Iran became an Islamic Republic
And said good riddance to the Shah.

What we have now is a mess:
Iran wants to define its role
In the Middle East, while we have
A leader with no impulse control.

Ignoring possible repercussions
And thinking he knows so much more
Than all the experts, he could likely
Involve us in a senseless war.

A recipe for disaster? Yes.
The president MUST be stopped in his tracks.
A sense of diplomacy and brains
Are two important things he lacks.

-by Bob B (1-11-20)

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Curse of Hypocrisy

What a curse: hypocrisy!
Oh, when all is said and done,
Our president doesn’t serve the people
But looks after number one.

The hypocrite says he wants a clean
Environment, and yet he'll dare
To serve the many companies that
Pollute the water and poison the air.

The current admin would rather give
More benefits to the heads
Of big pharma instead of helping
People desperate for the meds.

The right to vote is precious, but still
He helps those who have an obsession
Not with serving American voters
But serving instead voter suppression.

Catering to religious groups,
He wants to see his ratings spike,
And yet his uncouth words and lies
Are not very Christianlike.

When he doesn't get his way,
He seeks immediate retribution,
Not by obeying the law but by
Tromping on the Constitution.

When he campaigned, he complained
About Hillary's emails, and yet
The man himself remains a giant
National security threat.

Is the president motivated
Mainly by power or greed, or both?
When he was sworn into office, did
He take the Hypocritic Oath?

-by Bob B (1-10-20)