Monday, October 14, 2019

Put in His Place

For far too long the president’s tried
To pull the wool over our eyes,
Attacking all who don’t believe
His thousands of foolish, ridiculous lies.

For far too long the president
Has pandered to his susceptible base.
Having defied the Constitution,
The man needs to be put in his place.

Shooting holes in the Constitution
Has been for him an easy task.
You don’t have to be overly
Observant to see right through his mask.

At placing democratic values
In jeopardy, he’s very adept;
At leading a nation with understanding
And human compassion, he’s truly inept.

At self-expression and clarity,
The boorish man's a total disaster.
At throwing childish tantrums and fits
And at name calling he's a master.

What astounds many people
Is how his fans can be so trusting
When his asinine behavior
Gives new meaning to the word “disgusting.”

What happens when a president's
Toxic behavior poisons a land?
The people who deeply care about
Freedom and rights must take a stand.

What atrocities, what damage,
What despicable act or crime
Will define him when he leaves
His "footprints on the sands of time"?

-by Bob B (10-14-19)