Friday, October 18, 2019

A True Patriot?

To call the president a true
Patriot is a cause for concern.
Just to hear him called that ought
To make a person's stomach turn.

A patriot? Someone who sidles up
To murderous tyrants around the globe?
Whose policies sound as though
They're coming from a xenophobe?

A patriot? Someone who takes advice
From dictatorial leaders who
Suppress their people and stomp on their
Democratic points of view?

A patriot? Someone who simply ignores
Advice from honorable experts here
And lets only sycophants
And adulators have his ear?

A patriot? Someone who uses his office
For self-enrichment and personal gain,
And when the critics question him,
He responds with bitter disdain?

A patriot? Someone who thumbs his nose
At laws and with no circumspection
Asks for foreign involvement to help
Him win a presidential election?

A patriot? Someone who willfully
Obstructs justice and who defies
Subpoenas and asks his team to do
The same while they back up his lies?

A patriot? Someone who panders to
Religious groups to advocate
Laws that violate principles of
The separation of church and state?

A patriot? Someone who scorns our allies
And has a peculiar motivation
To placate adversaries and thus
Damage our nation's reputation?

A leader who stresses self before country
And rules a country with devious ways
Doesn't deserve to be called a patriot
And doesn't deserve the people's praise.

-by Bob B (10-18-19)