Sunday, February 18, 2018

Politicians, Don't Ask Me to Pray!

Please don't ask me to pray for victims
Of shootings. IF you do I'll refuse.
You THINK you mean well, but praying is merely
A politician's sham, a ruse,

A strategy or way to skirt
The issue that's sadly become a disgrace:
The problem of gun violence here--
Something that’s staring us in the face.

Don't ignore the matter and then
When there's a shooting ask me to pray,
While you accept money from gun
Lobbyists and the NRA.

Do not mouth obsequious chants,
Pretending your interest is on the level,
And then act shocked and horrified
After you've made your pact with the devil.

Do not quote the Constitution,
Insisting you know the writers' intentions,
When it's clear that our failed system
Is badly in need of interventions.

Don't make it easy for people to get
Assault-style weapons and bump stock devices,
Supporting the gun industry at
The cost of human sacrifices.

Action--not prayers--is what we need.
Commonsense solutions. Again:
Action. But if praying's your thing,
Ask to become AWARE. Amen!

-by Bob B (2-18-18)