Twenty-oh-six was a
good year for Trump--
A fifth child, some
love affairs.
We could go into
greater detail
But maybe that would
be splitting hairs.
Did we say that the
little flings
Both took place
during his marriage?
I guess certain
Are fair game to
flout or disparage.
Two ladies--a porno
And an ex-playboy
bunny--have stories,
Both of which put
them in
Slightly different
Both ladies received
hush money
During the
presidential campaign
In different ways,
but nonetheless,
Silence is sometimes
hard to maintain.
Despite substantial
payoffs, Trump
Denies the affairs
even occurred.
But people wonder
how many more
Times he's said,
"Mum's the word."
How the president
wants to define
His marriage--we
must reiterate--
Is up to him.
Hopefully it's
Appropriate for a
chief of state.
We also think that a
Should be sincere in
matters political
And not live a
double standard
And act in a manner
that's hypocritical.
For white
Trump's behavior
Nothing, for didn't
Have three hundred
-by Bob B (2-17-18)